
more spider shirt love style.

so remember this from yesterday:
well I made one for my daughter--
my $3.50 walmart shirt:

my pile of creepy crawly stuff

laid out a few designs

decided on something simple

but the more I got looking at this shirt....the more I liked it and didn't want to hot glue it with spiders.

so I cut a piece of felt

and hot glued the spiders to that instead

then I took my heart of spiders and loosely baste stitched it onto the t-shirt

(inside view)

Then I STRETCHED it over my daughters cast (that came off yesterday!!!! WOOHHOOO) and had a little photo shoot...

okay..so you can't really see the shirt..but aint' she cute?


  1. She's very cute! And your idea to use felt is a great one! I love the fact that your spiders form a heart. Cute!


  2. So cute! I love this idea...for kids or mom! I am your newest follower. Love you blog. :)

  3. She really is cute! I love how you kept it simple, it is amazing how simple usually goes a long way.

    I would like to invite you to Fantastic Frugal Fridays. It is a great place to link up your frugal posts and meet frugal friends.

  4. Fun way to make something festive, but not yucky. Your baby looks adorable in her shirt.

  5. She's adorable! Great idea to use the felt. Thanks for linking with Fantabulous Friday!

  6. OhMyGosh I LOVE that shirt! I would have never thought of that!

    Happy Friday from your newest follower :)

  7. this is so cute. please stop by Random Crafty Georgia Girl and link it up to my Week in Review post. it will be up on the 17th.
    -Cate from Random Crafty Georgia Girl

  8. She's absolutely beautiful, what a sweet pea!

  9. So stinkin cute!! What an awesome idea! I love the heart one too with the skeleton:)

  10. What a super cool idea!! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Kim I love the shirt. You are always so festive.....I need to work on that. I'd love it if you came and linked up this (and any other tops) to my Top-toberfest link party.



  12. So freaking cute! The shirt AND the girl of course!


  13. Such a great idea, and the model is absolutely adorable. I like the way you can take the felt heart off after Halloween is over.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.