
Button love.

Okay, let me start with a disclaimer.....I'm not conceited. Really I'm not. Just my sense of humor. So after seeing this project, please keep that in mind.

So I saw the funniest saying somewhere around blog town....but I don't know where or who this credit goes too....but I loved it.

I actually wanted to cut it out in vinyl and put it on my car right by my glue gun sticker:

see? totally funny. But while I act like I'm totally full of myself...I'm really not. Anytime someone talks to me about my craft blog .....I get so embarrassed....like change the subject, stammer a gee thanks...and try to walk away.  I hate talking about myself in real life.

Blogging on the other hand......I'm hot stuff. The button says it all.

Just the 1002 reason why I love to blog.

back to the craft at hand....

 I was at Sierras ( a craft store) and saw a container of buttons for a dollar...
so excited...the last button I had was a new kids on the block. Yeah, that was before they made a comeback. I'm bringing the buttons back (who is a empire record's fan? love the buttons...I would get a button machine and make buttons all day. MOM, can I add button machine to my Christmas list?)

I just typed it up on my computer (using a font I got from Kevin and Amanda) and can I please tell you how much I love all my new fonts...ALL of them. I have like hundreds now.....It took me awhile...but when my kids grow up and realize WHY I neglected them...they will accept it.

 I used the clear plastic piece to trace around....and then cut it out.

Then I popped the back back on. (did that make sense?)

(honest...this is how I found my button..in the midst of a creative genius...or just a midst of a massive mess....)

I love it. I thought about displaying it on my purse...but I'm not sure I'm brave enough!

If I ever was to go to a blog conference...I would totally wear it!


  1. LOVE this post! I feel the same way....

    and I'm holding my breath to see your take on this week's SYTYC - -

  2. you should totally flaunt it on your purse!

  3. I love the saying too. I also feel sheepish when talking about my blog/crafty achievements. Unless it is the mister, than I will talk his ear off about how awesome I am. And yes! Empire Records button making extravaganza! Do you think your mommy would buy me a button making machine for Christmas too?

  4. My boyfriend loves to tell people I have a blog then say "its really cool, Tell them about your blog babe.." And I just want to die.

    I Love the button tho. Hilarious.

  5. I think the button is a bit 'tongue-in-cheek' and cute!
    (I hate mentioning my blog in public, too!)

  6. I had to follow you primarily because you mentioned Kimbo Slice on your "About Me" and I laughed out loud. Never did I ever expect to see a UFC reference on a crafting blog! Love it.

  7. Yep. That's awesome. And you totally should sport it. On your button, on your car, heck....you should make a matching t-shirt. I LOVE it!!

  8. That's awesome! I agree with Ellie G, "And you totally should sport it. On your button, on your car, heck....you should make a matching t-shirt. I LOVE it!!"

  9. Love your blog! I've totally become addicted to my glue gun recently. Following you now! :)

  10. Stopping by from Sew Much Ado! I love the button.... and I think I would love to make one! Great job!
    carla louise

  11. Love the button - too funny!


  12. LOVE it~! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's.

  13. I want one of these buttons! I would wear it to work...until my boss made me take it off :)

    If you get a chance, I'd love for you to stop by and post on my Not "Baaad" Sundays linky. There is a weekly contest for Best in Show!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.