
A sticky hot glue gun.

so I have a white 4-runner. (i so love it) but there are ALOT of white 4 runners around town (apparently people love them as well.)

My husband has a red toyota tacoma. There are ALOT of red toyota tacomas. BUT he has a dumb coyote sticker in his window. So when I am driving around and THINK I see my husbands truck...I can look for the sticker and save myself from waving like a fool at a complete stranger.

I know right? Can't believe WE are married.

are you lost yet? me too?
Here's where I am headed. Stickers are nice. I hate when I'm at walmart and think that my car is right there and I walk all the way up to it and think, wait, I don't have that kind of air freshener in my rear view mirror. (anj?!) So I wanted a sticker in my window to save myself some embarrassment of walking around the parking lot pushing my unlock button.

whoooh. didn't think I would ever get there.

Anyways, didn't know what kind of sticker I wanted. then it hit me. A GLUE GUN. really? you didn't think it could be anything else could you?

took some vinyl

traced out the outline of my *messy* glue gun

I traced on the backside..so make sure you are aware of what way you want it pointing..

rub it on window

took a needle and popped any air bubbles
LOVE IT. but I might be a little biased.

now, if you are in the pocatello area...and you see a white four runner...with a sticker like this...
DON'T honk! I get honked at alot. and it is usually accompanied with a certain finger.
I am THAT kind of driver.


  1. This is such a cute idea! I so need to do this because I have go to the wrong car all the time. Once I got in the car, went to turn it on, noticed a can of diet Coke and thought to myself, "I don't drink diet coke....oh crap!" (I love in a small town, people don't lock door 'round these parts) My sticker would have to be a sign that said "Here's your car Genius!" LOL

  2. Oh, I just love that!! I am not usually a sticker person...but that just suits you perfectly. :)

  3. hahahaha!
    very cute and totally you! great idea! LOL

  4. I've been visiting your blog for a little while now and just have to tell you that I surely enjoy it. And, you are NOT alone. I totally opened the driver's door on a green minivan that was NOT mine thinking, "Hmm, I thought I locked the door. Oh, wait, we don't have tan interior. Oops!" I think your glue gun decal is perfect. I probably need to come up with something for our van.

  5. That is awesome!!! BTW I just recently found you and enjoy your posts!

  6. Cute idea. We lived in Pocatello until April. Sure miss it there. And yes, there are a lot of white 4-runners. =] What an awesome way to set yours apart.

  7. Ok, crazy, I just found you off of a couple other blogs. I knew it was my roomie! Your stuff is adorable. FYI, the cork board you painted for me with the palm trees, is hanging in our trailer. Hope all is well!

  8. That's so funny, if we see you around Pocatello I'll just wave! :)

  9. I loooove this so much the next time I come through Pocatello I will be looking for you

  10. I didn't know you were an Idaho girl too, I was born in Poky. I will now be on the lookout for your glue gun, love it!

  11. You are so FUNNY! I love your humor and your ideas :) I am glad I found your blog.

  12. I love it! I think I need to make a sticker for my blue/silver Honda van. Everyone around here has one! I had to memorize my license plate number real quick. Not an easy thing to do when your 6 months pregnant, which I was at the time. Thanks so much for sharing!

  13. Seriously. When we were first married, my husband came home with a White Jetta. I was like, "really?" I can't have white cars. I cannot find them in parking lots. And that's my real reason. I don't have anything against white. I have something against looking like an idiot. (well, as much as that can be avoided!)

    I LOVE your glue gun. And I think this idea is stellar. If we hadn't just sold that old Jetta...I might have had to come up with my own window sticker.

  14. hilarious! such a cute idea!
    honestly... i kind of need to do this one... i live in MI in the metro Detriot area and if you don't drive a Ford (or GM) you risk getting your affordable, reliable, foreign car KEYED! (totally not kidding) it is motor city after all... so EVERY one drives a ford... and there are at least 10 ford fusions on my street alone... don't even get me started on parking lots! if it wasn't for that stupid little smiley face wearing a Tigers hat on my car antennae i would STILL be looking for my silver fusion in the Target parking lot!

  15. Love it. The first thing that I buy when we trade in a car is some sort of vinyl to go on the back so that I know which car is mine. My mom uses red white and blue curling ribbon on her antenna. What ever works. LOL

  16. That is SO awesome! I really love this! And my glue gun looks just like yours. :) Only its blue.

  17. this may sound dumb - but what kind of vinal -where do you get it?

    love the idea!!!

  18. LOVE it!!
    I'd also like to know where to get some vinyl. :)

  19. OMG I love it! I want one too...a cupcake though. I must do this!

  20. Great idea but I don't need stickers to find my car, I just look for all the dents!!

    But I have friends who when I see their color/make/and model vehicle, I look for the sticker!! :)

  21. Best thing I've seen all day!! I love it! I need one of those!!

  22. Love that idea. I'm with all the other ladies that asked about the vinyl? What kind and where can I get some?

  23. I LOVE it! So unique and personal, just perfect. Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!

  24. Okay, I was cracking up when I saw the THUMBNAIL! Your actual post made me tear up! I think it's just hilarious, a glue gun decal. Where I live, hunting/guns/deer and such are popular topics for widow stickers. YOURS is more my style though, love it!

  25. bah ha hah! that's hilarious!

    cute logo! ;)

  26. It must be good that North America is so spacious or there would be so many of us bumping into each other trying to find our cars! I got a new silver car 5yrs ago thinking that it will stand out (how does an Echo stand out? It's so small!) among all the white mini-vans and lo and behold everyone (it seems) bought small silver cars...including Echos! Mine is all manual so I have try my key in the door locks! I now look inside before trying to do a B&E.
    Gotta make me a sticker. The come off don't they?

  27. that turned out really cute! but what made me comment was your last comment... HILARIOUS!!! i'm THAT kind of driver too! :o)

  28. I'm the same kind of driver, haha! I love this! I'm considering making my own vinyl sticker now! (Although something other than your awesome hot glue gun idea!)

    I'm a new follower, I love your blog!
    Maybe you could check mine out sometime.

  29. haahha this is so clever! love it! HOH sent me :)


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