
shout outs and an award

thanks to Mrs. Sassy Crafter! (who made this adorable felt flower pony tail holder

and rules--I figured since I haven't followed any rules...maybe I will give it a shot this time.

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Pass the award along to 15 other bloggers who you recently discovered and think are fabulous.

4. Contact the bloggers you chose and let them know about the award.

7 thing about myself:

I believe in:

1. "snail mail" to emails.....It means more.
2. wear comfortable shoes
4. Always wrap presents (and that doesn't mean with a walmart bag)
5. Do what momma says....wear clean underwear
7. Kiss goodbye...always (okay, this only applies to my husband and kids--I don't want to be kissing everyone I know goodbye)

The Birthday Blog
fruit pizza. yummy yummy.

love this ribbon cupcake headband. so cute!

Camilles Casa

you all know I love things that will entertain my kids!!!! love these

so sweet.....love the colors! love the buttons. love the distressed.

no truer words....have ever been adhered.....

you'll never guess what these coasters are made out of!
curling ribbon. GENIUS
(congrats...cause they are on the next season of SYTYC)

i'm in love with the onesies like this...and now I am in love with the bib version!

she makes these felt checker boards and dominos...i think they are pure adorable.

love this ribbon headband! so cute!

i know I just gave her an award...but I loved this fabric book shelf! so cute! my kids need something like this in a BAD way.

i don't know how she finds these things....but i LOVE them! embroidery hoops are soo in...(said in a valley girl voice)

Love this domino clock...how original!

love this cookie jar redo-
I have a cookie jar....but it doesn't hold my cookies...
it holds my daughter's hair things

doesn't mean I can't give it a polka dotted makeover!

love her whole craft room

she has a great system to this..and the result is FAN TAS TICCCCC.

whew fifteen....not too hard...there are so many great things out there!


  1. hey, thanks!!!
    AmberLou @ The Paisley Cupcake!

  2. Thanks Kim!! Love your blog and am your newest follower!!
    Whitney @ How Sweet It Is

  3. Aww, YAY! Thanks for awarding me! Love these other blogger's projects too!

  4. Thank you so much! That embroidery hoop idea is awesome!

  5. Thank you for the award :)
    I can't wait to try the coasters - great round up!

  6. Kim,
    Loving your blog!! Thanks so much for the shout out and award. It's so fun seeing such creative ideas. : )

  7. Oh my gosh. Are you really from Pocatello?????? I just read your bio. Do you still live there? My son is serving his mission in Pocatello. He LOVES, LOVES, LOVES it!!! Do let me know if you still live there..... ; )

  8. Wow--again, thank you!! I'm honored to be listed here! Your blog is always full of inspirational ideas!

  9. Thanks very much for the award! I am flattered!!

  10. :) Thank you so much for awarding me! Im honestly so flattered! :) Made my day... I logged into blogger and had quite a few more comments than normal.. and ended up with 2 different awards all in one day! :) Very surprising, made my day! Thank you again so much! :)

  11. Thank you soooo much for the shout out! You have listed some AMAZING ideas. I'm always blown away by the super creative things people come up with . . . love that hoop idea. So cool!

    Thanks again!!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.