
dear husband,

suck it.


  1. Your husband crabby tonight too?!?!? Right now we're on opposite sides of the house trying to stay out of each other's way. I'm not sure whether to jump his bones (to cheer him up) or lunge at his throat (to shut him up).

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHH omg. this is the best post!!! Because my last post was a tribute to my husband, and I kid you not - about five minutes after posting - I wanted to strangle him. LOVE it.

  3. That is great, but now I am not sure which is funnier, your post or Sandy's reply!!!

  4. Thanks for joining us over at our Sassy Sites blog party! It's fun to see everyone! Come on over tomorrow and sign up for our Spotlight Giveaway! We would love to have you!! xoxo

    Marni @ Sassy Sites!

  5. This is by far the BEST post I have ever read! Thankyou!

  6. There have been more than a few times that I've thought about posting a similar post! But I've refrained! Thank you for NOT refraining! You totally just made my day....Then Sandy's comment had me laughing myself to tears! Thanks...lol


  7. LOL aahh this totally made me laugh out loud!! Ive had days like this!

  8. So I just had to stop in and add that as I read this I laughed out loud...so of course my husband had to come see why...and he didnt et why it was so funny....made me laugh even harder!

  9. OK apparently I am more like you than I thought :) I was at a scrap party last night and the participants knew not to throw a thing away and instead give it to me to create with. They thought I was crazy when I said, "At least I'm letting you throw out the sticker backing sheets, though I'm not sure why you wouldn't want to keep them. Lots of great purposes." Love today's follow up post :)

  10. LOL This totally made me smile! Thx!!! ;D

  11. HAHAHAH!!! Thats great!

  12. Thank you for making my day! Love it. :)

  13. Nice to know my husband is not the only butthead on the planet!!!!!!

  14. This is the funniest thing I've read ALLLLLL DAY!!!!! Thank you for making my day with a genuine note to your hubby! you are so real and I love it.



Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.