
Painted pillows

{So I had this post all ready. I clicked on it and my pictures didn't load...I pushed PUBLISH...thinking that is would load on my blog page. BIG MISTAKE. I lost all my pictures...lucky for you I have a few saved in my computer. so this tutorial is a bare minimum kinda thing.}

You know when you can't find exactly what you are looking for. So you are forced to make your own.

 Couldn't find anything that would match my couch (our JoAnns is moving...Yeah. on Nov 5 (my dad's birthday...Hi dad--but the old stores are not getting anymore shipments boo. So that means two things GREAT SALES (they have to get rid of EVERYTHING) YEAH! but if you are looking for something in particular...it's a big hit and miss.  boo.

The lady that works there said it was "Famine before the FEAST." I'm starving here.

 so I decided to recover the smaller pillows

 bought some canvas (not rough canvas)

no picture

and some fabric paint

 sketched out a W

no picture

painted it in (you can use a stencil)

 sewed that canvas into pillows...

no picture

sewed all the way around leaving an opening.

no picture

snip off the corners before you turn it right side out.

no picture

turn it right side out....ironed so the edges were nice and crisp.

no picture

and then sewed an inch or two in (cause my canvas was cut too big) make sure you measure so the pillow fits exact...and make sure to leave another opening!

no picture

Now after I stuff in my pillow..I sew across the inside opening....then iron in the folds of my bottom opening so they are crisp and just sew across

no picture.

took another canvas. sketched out a design

outlined it with sharpie

painted it in.

can't quite decide how to place them....it will do until NOV 5. --next to the birth of my 3 children it is going to be the most excited day EVER!

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  1. I am in love with these pillows and they are now on my list of to do projects! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Great job! I really like those trees too! I really need to learn to sew. :)

  3. Those are sooo darling! What a steady beautiful job you did on the free hand, great talent!!
    Visiting from justsewsassy.com

  4. These are so cute. But I have to tell you....I totally cracked up at the instructions with your "I did this...no picture. I did this...no picture." LOL It gave me a chuckle first thing this morning. :)


  5. You are too funny! Love the way you adapted to write this without the pictures!
    I'm loving this idea! I've wanted to do a monogram pillow and wondered about painting it! Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. I love your trees! They both turned out so cute! :) Thanks for sharing!

    Following along! Have a great day!


  7. I like anything that's personalized. Nice job.

  8. The pillows came out super cute! I'm impressed that you hand drew those on there. I love the personal touch!

    Great job!

  9. I REALLY love the modern look to those pillows! Great job! Thanks for sharing your “creative mojo” with me on Thrilling Thursday. I hope you will be back again soon :)
    ~Lori S.
    Thrilling Thursdays @Paisley Passions

  10. I live in your town. We should meet up sometime! I hate it that JoAnns'a has nothing! I am with you on that one! In fact, today I am going-ou-of-town to buy my kid's Halloween costumes fabric. I just can't find it here.
    But...it will be so great when the new store opens up! I hear it is going to be all kinds of good! See you there!

  11. I have used freezer paper to make pillows with paint and have another one in the works. I can't believe you free handed those. They are great. I enjoyed your post. We have a big JoAnns, a Michaels and a Hobby Lobby. I love them all.

  12. I featured you!


    ~Allison @ House of Hepworths

    Didn't I feature you last week? You are too good, girl! Love your stuff!!!

  13. I'd think it were funnier if I didn't like the designs so well and if I had a fraction of your talent...reduced to begging for a pdf of your sketch of the pillow designs, lol?


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.