

A girl and a glue gun gets a TON of hits a day. (sounds very professional doesn't it.. a TON.)
  So if you have a business or a blog that needs a little shout out....advertise on AGAAGG. (my intials are  going to catch on-trust me!)

For a low low price
you get:
your cute little button on my sidebar...right up top so everyone will see it and oohh and aahh over it.

but that's not all (salesman voice)
I will also do a post ALL about you. Now who wouldn't like that?

ALSO: I love doing REVIEWS. I love having hands on knowledge so I can tell my readers just how much I love said product! Let me know if you want to do a review!!!!

If you want to do a giveaway: we here on a girl and a glue gun love free stuff.  LOVE....I mean who doesn't. If you want to spread the free stuff love than contact me and I will give you the 411!

email me at kimbowest21@gmail.com for any questions!

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Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.