
i'm making up my own holiday!

yup. it's true...
february 19 is officially...(cause i said so).....

let's back up...

so the 17th is random act of kindness day..
it is. google it.

and while ago i was chatting with some bloggy buddies...and we got onto the subject of comments...
and back at the beginning of this old blog...i rated how good each post was by how many comments they got.
20 comments B
40 comments A..
more than 50 A+
100 comments...okay..that usually meant a giveaway (or rafflecopter i love you)

anyways..this bloggin discussion let to how no one comments anymore. seriously. think back the last time you left a comment that was just to say, i loved this post- it's amazing. 
(hangs head in shame)

 i'm horrible about it.
i mean i see something i like, i pin i tweet i fb (no mom, no of those things are "dirty") i link up in my shout out sundays....
but i forget to leave a comment

i feel cool if i get 4 comments on any post....

(no...this isn't a guilt trip...)
but if you are feeling guilty than it's working {evil laugh}

no. really guys. i did not make up this holiday cause i'm desperate for comments.
actually i want NONE of your comments! (i might even turn it off just to prove my point!) 

I just want you to go in the bloggy land (my favorite place to be--after disneyland of course)
and whatever post you happen to read...
i want you to leave a comment.

these bloggers put blood...(seriously...some use crazy power tools)
sweat, tears, time, energy, child neglect (that one could just be me) eating mac and cheese for dinner 4 nights in a row, getting a hunchback over the computer, late late nights (it's past midnight as i write this) putting up posts for you...
all because of you...their readers. They aren't asked to do it...they actually love doing it...
but sometimes...when they look around...and realize that their floor looks like a rainbow cause their son spilled fruit loops on it 4 days ago and everyone has just been walking on them and they have crumbled into a film that looks like the coolest vinyl floor tile and then wondering if lowe's sells tiles like that..
wait what? oh...sometimes when we look around and see other little things that are put on the bottom of the totem pole...we wonder why bloggin is so high on that list..

and then we get a comment that says ,
 "Omg girl-- that's like the cutest thing ever! i'm totally doing that for [blank's] birthday party."

and we remember why .
(actual cut and pasted comment....name has been omitted...blank is not the real name.)

so let's make february 19 (that's tuesday) 
national leave a comment day!!!!!
 who's in?
(you don't have leave me a comment you can do just a verbal shout out....you still get credit)

here's a button.
A girl and a glue gun

i mean you can't have a NATIONAL holiday without a button.
so now it's legit.

(related sidenote: I used parenthesis 15 times in this post.
that's got to be a record.
feb 20 is going to be use a bunch of unneeded  parentheses day)
(15 was before these last two)



  1. Okay. Leaving a comment cuz you said to! I think you are funny. Follow you on Twitter and love your sense of humor. I even bought a glue gun a few months ago!
    Hope you get a zillion comments!

  2. Love you and your blog! I am guilty of reading many and rarely commenting, bit know that all of the awesomeness you and other bloggers put out there every day is appreciated!

  3. I check your blog every. Single. Day. I love it. I love your humor & I too own a glue gun. You rock & do does this blog!! THANK YOU!!

  4. Haha! This post made me laugh. I have to admit, a Saturday does make more likely to comment!

  5. Okay, okay, I'm guilty of reading and not commenting. But I'm trying to comment more--and then you made this post. So, here you go! Your blog rocks.

  6. A fabulous idea! I just came back to blogland and was wondering if I'd lost my touch...no one ever comments on my posts...I get tons of views/traffic but no stink in' comments. Good to know I'm not the only one! I'll definitely start commenting more...especially on Tuesday.

  7. I think that's a great idea. I can't believe how low comments have gotten now that there's FB, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.
    I mean seriously, I'm having a giveaway right now that's gone live for almost half a day and I have 2 comments on it. Sheesh!
    Have a lovely day.

  8. I totally know what you mean. Most of my posts get no comments :( But they of course appear when I'm doing a giveaway. Even then they're sparse.

  9. Pinterest is killing the blogger, much like video killed the radio star.

  10. Guilty as charged. I read blogs through a reader app. I wish they could create a wy to comment within the reader!

  11. I read your posts every time you post and always think, "OMG I love this chick, she rocks!!! She writes about the coolest crap! Awesome tutorial, I'm going to try that!" but I don't usually comment...I may never have, not sure. BUT...THANK YOU for being awesome and neglecting your kids so I can neglect mine by reading your posts, pinning your tutorials, and generally being inspired by all you do!!!

  12. pretty much if i read a post, i read a comment. i love comments, and i can't help but leave them. i have done the past few years a comment appreciation post. where if someone posted a comment in the previous month...i send 'em a little prize.

  13. Love your blog, love your posts and love your encouragement to get our there and comment!

  14. I'm in!!! Just scheduled a blog post about this to see if I can "drum up" some more commenters and I've challenged myself to leave 25 comments that day!

  15. Do you know what puts me off commenting, I come here every day, love what you do and to me you're a huge blogger, being a little guy in blog world, makes me feel like you'd think I was a stalker/brown nose. So apologies for not leaving more love and I know you always answer me anytime I've asked you a question so thanks for that :)

  16. I love this idea! If anyone wants to check out a new food blog, my brother in law and sister have a good one! www.eatlikenoone.com And some comments on national comment day would really make their day!

  17. could you... maybe... pretty please!! suggest or you know demand..what ever will work...that people... like everyone who blogs...turn OFF CAPTCHA!! They might would get more comments :-)

  18. You caught me. I so guilty of reading every single post a blogger ever writes (like you!) and I rarely comment....shame on me! Especially considering how giddy I get when someone comments on mine

    Thank you Kim for this post and for all the wonderful and inspiring posts you do!

    Whit @ The Busy Broad (blogspot)

  19. I would usually feel guilty reading this post but today, I visited and commented on so many blogs that my eyes and fingers hurt. I think it will be fun to do it again so thank you for challenge.

  20. So I've left a few comments in the past on various blogs and sometimes ask a question or two of the blogger and never get a reply. That is probably one of the main reasons why I don't really leave comments anymore. It kind of gets frustrating.
    Although, I do love your stuff and you rock and I'm sure that you would respond to any and all commenter questions!

  21. I'm guilty of not leaving comments. I read in Google Reader and seldom take the time to click over to the original post, wait for it to load, and then leave a comment.

    But as a blogger, and one who has felt bewildered at the low number of comments left (which also seem to be dwindling) compared to the traffic I get, I understand how important leaving comments is. Not just as a pat on the back, but feedback to know you are on the right track.

    I will make more of an effort to leave comments!

  22. people like it when Christmas comes early so i thought i would get a jump on leave a comment day

  23. Hahaha!! Guilty as charged. I'll be sure to leave a comment on Feb 19. And just FYI, a few weeks back I was turning on my computer and realised it was Sunday and that it was Shout Out Sunday and I was a little excited to see what you'd posted. And I never left a comment.... *hangs head in shame*. Love Shout Out Sundays!!

  24. I just happen to be catching up mn my blog reading when I found this post. Thanks for making me laugh and here's a comment to prove I was here ;)

  25. I don't always leave comments unless I have something to say - which apparently I do today - because I follow so many blogs. It would be impossible to leave comments for all of them. I must say word verification can sometimes slow me down too.

    I have been blogging for 3 years and I noticed a huge drop-off in comments when Blogspot stopped allowing people who were not Blogspot users to join Google Friend Connect (I think that is what happened - but I may have the details wrong). My comments dropped in half almost right away. I try not to focus on the number of comments, although I'm not always good at that.

    Keep up the good work. I enjoy your blog.

  26. I don't always comment on blogs, but I do read them, sometimes quickly... because I get behind. I don't have a blog myself but I love to see what others are doing to get inspiration.

  27. I feel cool if i get even one comment! Haha i feel like someone is actually reading what i write! Therefore I do try my best to comment on what I like about a certain post someone has done. Um, not to pat myself on the back......just hoping that maybe by giving a little, i'll get a little haha


  28. Hahaha...awesome. I'm in and stealing your button. :)

  29. Found your new holiday on SugarBee Crafts and love it! You are right...many of us are not nearly as good at leaving comments as we are at pinning or FB likes, etc. Well, I am joining your campaign and will honor your newly founded holiday on my blog today.

    I would also like to invite you to stop by my blog every week for the Wonderful Wednesday blog hop!
    Many blessings, Sinea from Ducks ‘n a Row

  30. That is just an awesome idea. I try to leave comments on many of the blogs I visit, but it doesn't always happen. I also get super excited if I get more than two comments on any given blog. Silly really.

  31. I did a whole post on your new holiday.
    Here's the link!

  32. Coolest idea! I actually do leave comments a lot... and feel cool if I get even one on my own stuff! As always, and yet again, you ROCK, Kimbo!

  33. Love this idea! I'm a newbie, so I feel like I've been leaving comments like crazy to say hi and introduce myself. New follower via Rachel at PolkadotsandLemonade. Hope you'll follow me too. xoxo

  34. Hehehe Love your posts and follow faithfully. Thank you for your ideas, inspiration, great food, and for making me laugh.

  35. I think many readers don't comment because the bloggers never write back or engage in the conversation. I love to comment :)


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.