
scent trend 2013!!!!

first...if you remember the sticker project...go check out the fun pictures she has posted! it's amazing!!!!


so...one of my favorite companies contacted me to see if i wanted to try out the new scentrend for 2013

if you don't have a scentsy.
you suck.
no not really.
but once you go scentsy you don't go back!

and this year new scent is violet leaf!

i got a fun package with the softest slippers...an eye mask and these three fun scents to mix in with violet leaf...

you see, violet is a relaxing scent...ahhh. i need to relax. you pop in some wax...and just let it calm you!
 i loved it! and each of these scents you mix it with were yummy. all unique...one smelled like a man. it was my favorite!

here's some other scents that they recommend to use with the violet leaf

   Route 66
    Apple Press
   Rio Beach
    My Home

go get you hands on some yummy scents!


  1. I just bought myself a scentsy for my birthday a few weeks ago. I love it! Unfortunately, my husband doesn't. He turns it off, I turn it on, it's a never ending game around here!

  2. Anything scented gives me a headache. :(. Do I still suck? ;-). I'm. Glad you can enjoy them' they do look yummy

  3. Did you ever replace your warmer? I'm the one that was trying to get your replacement through a warranty :) I love scentsy.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.