
happy new years!!!!

i don't know about you guys..but i love the new years.
i love the feeling of starting new..fresh.
2013 is going to rock (ask me in like a month and i'll have a different attitude i'm sure...but for now..total rockage!)

anyways...one fun thing we are doing is a 2013 jar...

just a preggo jar...some krylon. vinyl. fabric...okay...you really only need a jar...
but every time we do something that we want to remember (a joke, something nice, something hilarious that happened) we write it down on a paper and pop it in the top)

then next new years eve we are going to read them all (maybe christmas eve)
there is so much we forget...and since i'm horrible about keeping a journal than this will hopefully remind us how hilarious we all are.....

i also make my kids pick one thing to work on for the year.....

they are going to color and decorate them in about 10 minutes after posting this...then they are going on their doors to help remind them. I know when my kids pick what they want to work on it holds a lot more merit than me yelling at them to stop yelling...

and as for me...i've been working on my word for the year....

patience with my kids.
patience with the husband
patience with whatever i'm working on (i can't tell you how many times i have ruined something cause i couldn't wait for the paint to dry
whoa..you know when you stare at  a word for too long and it looks all wrong.
i just spell checked it. it's not wrong. just looks it.

anyways. i'm fast. and easy and cheap. and i take pride in that...hey, even julia roberts had a happily ever after in pretty woman.

but sometimes i think i need to slow down a little and have a bit more patience with ...everything.
i currently have 3 ruined painted fingernails cause i couldn't wait for them to dry!

anyways...do you have any fun new years traditions? any words you are working on? share!



  1. Oh boy, I could definitely use more patience in my life. I'm like an out of control stop watch all the time.

    And I LOVE the 2013 jar. It's a good alternative to a quote wall. Ain't nobody got room for that!

  2. My family and I are doing a 2013 jar too! ours isn't as fancy as yours though. Patience is a virtue but so is being crafty! Ha. Happy New Year!

  3. What a great idea. I have chosen a word to live by this year and its REACH. I found it quite hard to choose just one word!

  4. I like the thoughts in a jar for 2012. Very cool!!
    I might use that myself...!!!
    PS. My word for this year is COMPLETE!!

  5. I saw the jar idea on Pinterest and thought it was so clever. Hopefully we can keep it up. You just inspired me to pretty up the jar!! My word for the year is 'focus'. Me and my brain are all over the map. Plus, I really need to focus more on the important things in my life like my kids and husband and give them the attention they deserve. (On a side note - I totally hate that when you look at a word too long and it looks like it is spelled wrong. Glad I am not the only one!)

  6. I'm working on 'simplify'

    and I did actually make a proper resolution this year: More commenting, less lurking. Thank you for having a post for me to comment on! You're helping!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.