
Tis the season....to itch!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of NEOSPORIN® ESSENTIALS™ for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.


This is one of the campaigns that I especially wanted! During the winter months...I get Eczema!

Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by dry, itchy skin and visible skin rash. Atopic dermatitis is the most common form of eczema. In a healthy state, the external layer of your skin acts as a protective barrier. But for eczema sufferers, the skin has a deficiency in the external layer that allows the moisture to escape and causes chronic dryness. When skin is dry and unprotected, irritants can reach the sensitive layers below and cause uncomfortable itch flare-ups. Therefore, people with eczema are more susceptible to irritants or allergens, which trigger inflammation-producing cells that result in itching and redness.

Sounds fun right? NO. it's not. I get it on my legs and I literally scratch until I bleed.


 It can be caused by Irritants (like soaps and fragrances), Wool, Rough textures, Cold and dry weather, Heat and sweating (it's the cold dry weather that really makes mine act up!


and both kids and adults can get it! (my neice has it too!) (it's actually estimated that 35 million Americans have it!

and there are a few things you can do to help it stay at bay....

• Keep the skin warm and protected when outside 
• Try a thick, protective moisturizer on the exposed skin to prevent windburn 
• Consider talking to your doctor about supplementing vitamin D during the winter months as many people are deficient and this may play a role in eczema 
• Consider getting a humidifier for bedrooms to help add moisture to the dry air 
• Continue your regular skincare routine with regular bathing and moisturizing, as well as using topical medications when needed

But if you are still itching...then I have the product for you--NEOSPORIN® ESSENTIALS™


The #1 Doctor recommended brand of over-the-counter topical antibiotic ointments, NEOSPORIN® has created NEOSPORIN® ESSENTIALS™— a line of skin care products designed for people with eczema including a Daily Moisturizing Cream, Daily Body Wash, and Anti-Itch Cream. Each product has a unique RELIPID™ formula, which contains a lipid, humectant, emollient and botanical blend to help retain moisture that is essential for healthy looking skin.


I got sent this pack of three neosporin products to try out (sent to me free for review)

It has a simple Body Wash, then after you get out of the shower you use the Daily moisturizing Cream. And if you get an itch there is a tube of ECZEMA ESSENTIALS™ Hydrocortisone Anti-Itch Cream. All three are great. They are fragrance free and are safe for the family. Super gentle on my skin and is clinically shown to improve skin in 3 days!

and I will tell you what--it does! I have been using it for about two weeks...and I can not honestly remember the last time I itched. THIS IS HUGE! I used to wake up to me itching!  I will continue to use this the rest of this cold season (and next cold season to come!)


and Neosporin wants to give one of you guys a  NEOSPORIN® ESSENTIALS™ trial kit! If you itch---or you kids have ecxema--you WILL want to win this giveaway!

Contest Rules

to enter: leave me a comment (make sure your email address is shown!) let me know why you NEED to win this! 

You can check out the Neosporin website to see all their amazing products.

Here's all the details about each product in case you have any questions:

ECZEMA ESSENTIALS™ Daily Moisturizing Cream:

• Clinically shown to restore visibly healthier skin in 3 days 
• Goes beyond ordinary daily lotions to relieve dryness, itch and irritation due to eczema while also helping to strengthen and restore the skin’s natural barrier function 
• Clinically shown to relieve itchy skin due to eczema on contact 
• Contains colloidal oatmeal, a skin protectant that helps relieve dryness, itch and irritation due to eczema 
• Fragrance-free, steroid-free 
• Does not contain antibiotics 
• Gentle enough for daily use by the whole family



• Proven gentle and non-irritating even on eczema-prone skin 
• Effectively cleanses even the most dry, sensitive skin 
• Contains gentle moisturizers for non-drying cleansing 
• Fragrance-free, soap-free 
• Does not contain antibiotics 
• Gentle enough for daily use by the whole family

ECZEMA ESSENTIALS™ Hydrocortisone Anti-Itch Cream:

• Contains a dual-action formula to provide fast relief of itch flare-ups due to eczema while it moisturizes to restore visibly healthier skin 
• Clinically shown to improve dryness, flaking and the appearance of redness 
• Contains hydrocortisone 
• Fragrance-free 
• Does not contain antibiotics 


Visit Sponsor's Site


  1. I need this in my life, fo real. I don't have eczema or any specific condition, but my skin is soooo dry that I actually slather vaseline all over to try and help. I know, TMI. =)

    hdelacruz15 at gmail.com

  2. I would love to win this trial kit.
    I have always had itchy skin and no one ever explained what it was or how I could avoid it.
    I want to know what works well in the event that my little one develops the same skin issues.
    I don't ever want her to ever struggle like I have!

  3. I put Neosporin on everything! This is such a great giveaway!

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  4. I've been plagued with itchy dry skin for awhile
    especially on my legs. I will itch them until they bleed
    and then itch some more. I've tried numerous lotions
    and creams and most have only given temporary relief.
    I would love to try this product out and hopefully gain
    some relief.


  5. Why I need this? I just had surgery and have to have my leg wrapped 90% of the time. The ace bandage just SUCKS my skin dry!! Its so gross! And then it starts to itch so I itch and itch and itch that I start to bleed!! Its insane!

    Ajbenson06 at gmail.com

  6. I have eczema. I've suffered from this my entire life. I wake myself up because I scratch. I make myself bleed because I scratch and because of this, I scar really easily as well. When I'm pregnant it's tons worse! Literally neck to ankles rashes. I also have hand eczema and ring finger eczema which basically makes my hands raw and bleeding a lot, and blister too. Eww.
    I've been wanting to try this and would love to win. Email at wal04030@gmail.com (those are zeros)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I could use this for sure. I'm one of the itchiest people on planet earth. Especially in the winter!
    robyndadler (at) yahoo (dot) com

  9. I'd love this for my sweet 2 year old. She's had excema all her life and it's especially bad during the winter months. "Put rub on my ouchies" is a common phrase in our house. It's so sad!!

  10. My 2 year old has to deal with eczema throughout the year, so if this will work for him, I'd gladly comment for the chance! I might just go out and buy some anyway if it works as well as you say it does. I'm tired of trial and error.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Oh my goodness, we NEED this product! Both my children have horribly sensitive skin, eczma, and itches all over. I feel so bad for them. This would be a great thing for us to try and see if it works for them. I've bought so many lotions and body washes only to have it make them worse. We would really appreciate something like this!

  13. My daughter, 6, has terrible eczema. I would love to know if this product line would really help her. I would trade places with her any day. I fell helpless watching her scratch.

  14. I don't really want to enter the contest but I do want to add my experience dealing with this stuff. Hopefully it will be helpful to at least one person.
    My 8 year old son has been dealing with eczema his whole life. All over but especially his legs and arms. It is actually so bad that his doctor has commented several times that she has never seen a worse case before. We have to give him a sleeping aid at night so that he doesn't scratch his legs to pieces and I don't have to wash his blood covered sheets everyday, seriously it's that bad.
    We started using this stuff about 2 months ago and holy cow this stuff is AMAZING!! We have been through every allergy test, every steroid cream, every over the counter lotion and almost every prescription you can imagine and nothing has helped.
    But within a week of starting to use this stuff his skin cleared up. He doesn't scratch in his sleep anymore so I no longer have to drug the poor guy (which is good cause I was really starting to feel bad about that) and for the most part all that is left of his eczema is the scars from all the times he has ripped his skin to shreds. To all you who are considering trying this I highly recommend it. It is truly amazing stuff.

  15. My family NEEDS this!! My husband, my oldest daughter, and my son all have excema and the skin on my thumb cracks EVERY winter! To make things worse, we are currently stationed (Army) in El Paso, Texas = DRY!!!


  16. I totally get the "scratch until you bleed"! Always fun to wake up in the morning to bloody sheets because I scratched the itch in my sleep!!! Do you know how difficult it is to do any kind of sewing/quilting with all 10 finger tips swathed in bandages because they are cracking and bleeding??! I really hate the "it's so dry it hurts" feeling - feel like I need pool of lotion I can just dive into! Thank you for letting us know that this stuff works - so much claims to but always falls short!

  17. I have seasonal bouts of eczema on my hands so I'm used to dealing with that. This fall I have developed a rash on my neck. IRRITATING to say the least. One of our dogs is allergic to flea bites. I feel like we are in some kind of race to see who can dig the deepest "ruts" in our skin! Hers is coming under control. I want mine better too!!!!!
    Thanks for the chance! Jackie

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. We would love to try this for my son, who has horrible excema!


  20. Hello! Gosh, do I need this! I have both psoriasis and excema - mostly on my hands and elbows, but the occasional patch here and there too. To make it worse, I am a teacher, so I am constantly washing my hands. Then, at night, I work in a bookstore, so the paper sucks all of the moisture out of my skin. I should just crawl into this stuff and live there, I think.

  21. It would be great for me because I actually have eczema and the winter is here causing havoc on my skin. The winter is when mine breaks out the most and it is already driving me crazy now! I have tried so many other things and nothing has worked yet. Thanks!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.