
3 diy ornaments

This was a guest post last year---and i just found it.. (have i mentioned that my draft box is in need of a cleaning) anyways..i thought i had better post it before christmas is over and I have to wait ANOTHER year.

and i found some plastic ornaments on a cheap sale....
and turned them into something fun!

the first one:

I found an image of a manger scene i liked and shrunk it down on my word document...

and printed it out....i took my ornament and kinda traced around it...

and cut it out..

I rolled it up and stuck it inside...

and added a little straw....

you could put in a family picture or a quote or anything that tickles your fancy..

next up:

I got all these beads at walmart ($1.50 a piece.)

and funnelled them in...(at this time i was thinking that it would be cool to layer these like sand art..)

but i shook them all up instead...
and raided my kids stash for little things (they have those ornaments that separate into halves...so if you want specific christmas items than i would use those so they fit)

tossed those in...

hot glued the top on (a must unless you want beads all over) and added some ribbon...

i'm probably going to make a tag to put on here telling what you are looking for!

and last but not least:

my favorite christmas song is away in a manger....
and just because it's my favorite...doesn't mean i know the words.
i knew the first verse.

so i googled it...

and took a silver sharpie and just started writing...all the way around. i got through the whole song and had just a little space on the bottom.

it's totally pretty...but totally hard to take a picture of...

and that's all...three cute personalized ornaments!


  1. I really love the photo one you made!

  2. Those are all so cute! Love the straw in the photo one. And I bet the silver song one looks so pretty on a glowing Christmas tree!

  3. Thanks for sharing these amazing ideas! I love all three and hope to try them today!

  4. Oh my heart. I'm just dying here... don't take this the wrong way but YOU BOUGHT STRAW! Straw, in a little bag, from the store!? Who would have known such a thing exists. Next year when you need a bit I'll wonder out to the barn and mail you some in a envelope. Really, I had no idea that you could buy store-bought straw. SUPER super funny to me, mind-boggling really!

  5. Fun and very budget friendly! What a craft for a season that there is so much to do and not enough time to do it.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.