
spirit of giving....

you know...as much as i stress about christmas (i'm on my 5th list...i keep rewriting them...i'm so neurotic this time of year.) but as much as i drive myself CRAZY---i LOVE christmas.. love love love  love the bell ringers that make me feel guilty in every doorway. love how my town is decorated with lights and wreaths. love hot cocoa and candy canes. love it all! And one thing i love the mostest is the spirit of giving--i love it..it's contagious. i hear happy little stories of giving and i just want to bake a billion cookies for everyone....

for example...my sister in law just lost her wallet ...with all her credit cards and quite a bit of cash....
did a panic
spent the next few hours calling and retracing steps....

and later a old man (with a big belly and a long white beard...) and a woman (with a white bun) came to her doorstep and returned her missing wallet with everything in it. true story. she might have cried...and hugged the claus look alikes.....

or this lady in my ward was telling me about how she was at her doctor's appointment...and the secretary was telling her that they needed to pay the entire bill---and she did a panic cause she didn't have the cash. was calling her husband...crying a little....went in to her doctor's appointment and when she came out the secretary told her someone paid her bill in full for her....

and i'm sure you have heard of the people who randomly go in and pay the stuff that people have put on layaway...

doesn't this make your little grinch heart grow about 5 sizes? (no...i'm not calling you grinch...but you are all getting warm and fuzzy aren't you????)

anyways...as i was saying...i love the spirit of giving...and i'm constantly looking for ways to spread the love...

so when i found this sweet idea....(from a girl i went to high school with (she has no idea i'm doing this)
i had to share...


this sweet couple are in argentina....and want to give a few little kids some presents that wouldn't normally get any... (read all about it HERE)

 here's the jist.....
 they are putting together 50 paper bags...each filled with one mandarin orange and stickers! (stickers are prized possessions in Argentina -difficult to find and very expensive! ( lucky for us...they are everywhere and cheap here! )

so you buy some stickers....you put it in a basic envelope (nothing bigger!)... address it to this address....

yup..its here in the usa (they foward it on)....so it takes one normal stamp...and put it in the mailbox!!!! something so easy and would make someone soooo happy---

so what do you say? do you want to help me blow their goal of 50 out of the water? are you IN? (don't be a grinch)--go buy some stickers--they ask that they are in the mail by dec 1st so they have time to get shipped before christmas!!!!! come on!!!! get your kids involved!

go here to see cute little kids that would LOVE to get some stickers--and to get all the details....



  1. That is such a cute idea. I am definitely sending some.

  2. Thank you for posting this. I wouldn't have seen it any other way. My husband served an LDS mission in Argentina, so we have a special place in our hearts for the people there. Thank you! Off to get some stickers in the mail. :) Merry Christmas!

  3. We're doing it too! What a great idea, and I have WAY too many unused stickers just sitting here! :) Thanks for sharing this way to give!

  4. I have a ton of stickers! My preschool client this year isn't into them. I'd rather they go to some kids that think they're gold than dry out in my house.

    Getting an envelop to stuff them in. I think I even have some stamps for the States! (I'm in Canada).

    Thanks for telling us!

  5. Thanks for sharing this! I usually love to buy gifts to donate but I have a 10 month old and I'm trying to be a stay at home mom so money is pretty tight but this is something I can actually afford to do!

  6. I'm hitting the store today! What a sweet and simple (and cheap) way to be able to give back.

    I'll await the follow up to see exactly how many more than 50 they get. I have a feeling your followers are going to blow that out of the water!

  7. I am so a sucker for stuff like this. I just love it. We are totally putting some envelopes together this today after school!

  8. I will go to all a dollar tomorrow and buy a bunch! Who knew those kids loved stickers so much? My brother is on a mission in Colombia and I guess the kids there love those things that you put in the water and grow, so we go to all a dollar and buy them in those like 20 packs and send them to him to give out, the kids go crazy for them!

  9. I am so ready for you to blow me out of the water ladies! Thanks for posting this Kimbo!!!

  10. Awesome!!!!! I'll take the kiddos out tomorrow to pick out some, they will be so excited :D Thanks for sharing this!

  11. What a fun idea! I am sending stickers out tomorrow!

  12. My daughter has outgrown her sticker collection and was soooooooo excited to send it to this worthy cause! We fit most of it into 4 envelopes. If there are pictures of the kids with the stickers later on, we would love to see them, or a link would be great! Thanks for sharing the opportunity!

  13. I've been following your blog for a while, don't think I've commented thus far, but wanted to say thanks for offering up an opportunity for me to perform a random act of Christmas kindness! I'm from Canada, and it's already December 1, but I'll be sending some stickers with next day delivery on Monday. Great idea!

  14. I sent off 2 envelopes on Saturday! Hope they get them in time and sure would love a follow up post!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.