
sand art

So...i'm scared of making a schedule on here...cause i suck at sticking with...well...anything. But i've been wanting to do this for awhile and so i'm breaking down (but don't hold me to it)

EVERY monday will be a kids craft here on agaagg.....something easy...something fast...something cheap...not always mess free...but something to entertain the littles. we do a lot of crafting here in the agaagg household, so I thought i would share the things we do  to keep me from killing harming strangling punishing my kids. (disclaimer: i actually love my kids.) (another disclaimer: most days)

today is sand art.....

i got this package of sand when i won sytyc
pretty sure this picture is supposed to be turned.
pretty sure i'm too lazy to actually do it.

now..you can do the layered colored sand in a jar....and that's pretty. but my daughter did that. then my other daughter thought...this would be so much prettier poured out in the windowsill.....so i rethunk it.

we sketched a picture...added some glue...

poured on the colors (you will want to do this by color...like put glue on everything yellow and then cover it with yellow. then we just funnel the excess back into the bags.
(did i mention that this is not a mess free project.)
(only do this project if you haven't swept your floor in two weeks.)

but its they turned out fantastic! the top right is mickey and minnie
and this bottom left is batman and joker...

i started a new page of just kids crafts....you can go here to see what i've got so far!

today is my beautiful mother's 60  36th birthday
i just wanted to wish her the very happiest of birthdays.

cause i woudn't be here without her.




  1. Those are cute and what a great project to make with the kids.

    Scrappers Creative Corner

  2. I did a sand project with my son that was sent from Nana. I used a tip I read somewhere to use a baking sheet to catch the loose sand. Made clean up much easier.

    This is a cute idea. With 2 of 3 children heading off to school I'll need to fill my toddler-covered days with something. And happy birthday to your mom! I love the endnote. Literally.

  3. They're really cute, the art and the concentrating kids. I am still however, in awe of your table!

  4. FREAK, i am too excited about this to be 25.. lol!! we dont have any fun arts and crafts stuff like this in norway where i am from so i was totally under stimulated with crafts as a child.. might be why i am over excited about it now :) lol

    love you blog!§

    love K


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