
the basic of pillows...

i have been making pillows for my daughters room....

and before i show them off i thought i would give you a basic tutorial on how to make the best pillow ever...

it has an opening in the back which makes it super easy to take off and wash..cause i have 3 kids...

and they could stand to be washed twice a week...
(i made this chevron myself using mandy's tutorial....)

here's the pieces you need...measure your pillow and add (a little) seam allowance...i don't add too much cause i like it to be nice and tight...(this is for the front piece...the one on the right)
the other two pieces will be overlapped in the back to allow the pillow form to go in and out..so it needs to be at least 4 inches bigger than front piece
(notice that the two edges are finished)

then you overlap how you want it to look and match up with the other piece so they are the same size...

then lay the big piece on top

and pin it all the way around so there is no shifting...and sew all the way around...

clip the corners so they will be nice and sharp!

then you turn it right side out and stuff your pillow form in....
now  you can slip it off and on and watch it freely....

okay..obvs this one doesn't go in my girls room....but here's some of the ones that do...

love this doily pillow

just a couple doilies sewed around...

this big fuzzy one...
the fur is from here:

a cute and easy pillow using leftover ruffle fabric from my daughter's baptism dress...

you just got to make sure the ruffles are all going in the proper direction
 i made this one a while ago HERE

and this one from HERE

this one is PURELY decorative

a. it's like dry clean only fabric
and b.
it has no opening...
but it's cute.
and i made this star one.

(funny story about this one: i made one in college...and it's like precise. i did math and everything. i don't even know how i did it. so i sit down to do this one..and let's just say i forgot math. --i guess that wasn't that funny. oh well. it's an off day. i was thinking about making a tutorial for this one if there was interest.--)

i also have a whole pillow pinterest board HERE cause i'm kinda obsessed....



  1. I love the bookshelf drawer bed thing! Where did you get yours?

  2. Decorative pillows are next on my list to make for my living room. I have two small (messy) kids, so this way of making them will work better for us!!
    I have so many projects to do that have been inspired by you. Love your blog and creativity!!!

  3. SO many pretty pillows!!! I'm loving the doily and ruffle one the best!


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