
some gut lovin...

you all know i LOVE mandi's guts...
I mean..she's one of THESE mandis
and I have shown you the most CRAPTASTIC things she has done on her blog.

(really..do I need to reshow them to you?)

she's awesome.

and this last post just pushed her over the edge of awesomeness...thelma and lousie style.
(oh....brad is so HOT in that movie)

she's going to go to someone's house....and makeover it.



I mean REALLY!

and it doesn't matter where you live....she will come to you.

and this is my PLEA to have her come play with me...I mean decorate for me:

A. she lives in st. george..i live in Idaho....so if there happened to be an emergency she could get home quickly....
B. I've talked to her on the phone....(so funny btw) I would love to catch the live act in person......
C. um....is two reasons enough? cause I'm out.


Okay to the house:

I don't know if you saw her before and afters of her house.....

same house. no really. same. house.

it blows my mind.... really.
so if she can do that....imagine what she could do with my humble abode!!!
(hey. she never said butt kissing wasn't allowed)

now, I live in a rental.
view from the front door (there are a lot of stairs)

and I keep putting off stuff cause I figure when I move into a house of my own (and when that is I don't know) I will want to start fresh....so here I have sat with crap (not tastic...just crap)

my couches: hand me down from my sister.... they are super comfortable. but green...green. and I have to reorganize and fluff those pillows every two minutes.
i kept this blurry for a reason....believe me...it looks better this way.

and I went couch shopping...and found a sectional I LOVED...but wouldn't fit in my house. literally. you would have had to jump over the couch to get into the living room....so I didn't get anything.

which brings me to item number two: SMALL living room. really small. we picked this duplex cause it had a double living room..one up one down...and so my husband and i could both do our thing without fighting over watchin ANOTHER episode of bike races. (uGH)

so I would LOVE to see what mandi could pull out of her sleeve on how to reorganize...
(the kitchen is through there...i'm on the stairs

{AND...since it's small...I think mandi should do both living room AND KITCHEN..it's only fair.}
the view from the couch...yes..that is a culligan thing. hot style!
see this one long wall...I haven't painted it cause i don't know where to stop. it's both living and kitchen wall...

Third item of business:  I have mixed tastes.  for example..two rooms I love:

I feel like i'm caught between my kid self and my adult self....I want something fun and original...but I want to look like an adult lives here. I just don' t want my house to look like everyone elses!
 so basically Mandi could do whatever...and i'm sure I'll love it. even if she spray painted graffiti that said mandi has awesome guts...I would love it.

let's ignore the craft mess in my corner....

and to top things off on my ginormous plea for decorating love....
I have crap. I haven't bought ANYTHING  for my house.
it's all hand me downs.

table...couches...side tables...
now...I'm not hating on hand me downs..thrift shops are my favoritest place....but hand me downs that I didn't pick...and aren't REALLY my style (whatever that is)

my house was on the low totem pole on things to buy for....
i have done some occasional home decorating...
and these are probably the only thing I like:

and besides...I have three young kids.....that climb...and draw with sharpies...and tap dance and wrestle and bite and do all that crap that kids do....so I have kinda been in the mentality that even if I bought nice stuff...it would get ruined. (serious...my plates are chipped...and I DREAD buying new ones cause I figure as SOON as I do....crash...one will drop and SHATTER!)

I want to look around my house and see how it's filled with things I love!!!!

now...I mentioned I was in a rental..and my landlords DID mention I could paint...but even if they didn't...I would happily lose my security deposit. mandi's worth it.

and just think..if I win...how much fun would my posts be....pictures of my new house....pictures of me and mandi..it would be awesome.


  1. Mandi rocks. There is no other way to say it. I must take blurry pics of my living room...cause I agree with ya -- that is the only way it will look good!! :)

  2. Kimbo!
    I love you so much. Do you know how much fun we would have if you won? Plus it wouldnt be freezing in June! Good luck lady!

    Love your guts

  3. I feel ya girl...renting sucks :(

  4. Congrats on making it into the top 15! Totally jealous but I can't wait to see what you can create with Mandi if you win! Good luck!

  5. Congratulations! You're one step closer to a Mandi makeover!!!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.