

it's been a slow craft POSTING week--It was in no means a slow craft week....I was crazy busy (with a cold to boot) and have alot to show for this week....but just stuff you have already seen......
but since it pains me not post, I will show you a rundown of my week:
made a pillow for my friend's daughter (and since I know you are reading HI lex!)

made a crayon roll (yes that is a flip flop elastic) for my daughter's friend's birthday party.

Made two aprons for my etsy shop

(what? I can shamelessly plug my etsy shop all I want --so there!)

and an apron  (and grocery bag holder) for my giveaway winner on somewhat simple..

peace love momma...and I HAD to use this fabric:

see. PEACE LOVE. oh. It just made me happy when I found it.....hopefully she likes it....and hopefully she doesn't like surprises cause I haven't mailed it yet so the surprise is kinda ruined!

a menu board for a person around town.

organized my TUB of ribbon......(this is about half....what me? Hoarder? not sure I know what you are talking about...
(okay...see all that gold and silver ribbon on the right...those are all off of christmas gifts...not all my christmas gifts...sometimes it's off of other people's gifts....I couldn't let good ribbon go in the garbage...that's pure madness!)

and RE-decorated my daughter's cast.....I had it all prettified the first time....and we had to cut if off and put on another one (woah..it was traumatic!)
The first version:

not the greatest picture taker....

we will now continue with your regular scheduled craft posts....


  1. you are the most hilarious hoarder ever! off of OTHER peoples gifts! i laughed out loud like an idiot! so funny!


  2. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! Best Post ever!!! haha. I am so super excited you have NO idea! Take as long as you need (please hurry)! Just kidding! LOVE IT! Also, my daughter has a cast when she was 3. I never decorated it. I feel like a bad mom hahaha. Cute cast, cute daughter!!

  3. Hey, I have some of those same Christmas ribbons in my hoarding box! ;) (thanks mom for always using cute robbons!!) I just love ya sista!!!

  4. I love that pillow it's so cute!!! My 4 year old son just broke his left arm for the second time on Sunday his cast is neon yellow and we all need sunglasses to look at it.

  5. Man, how do you have the time!!!???

  6. LOVE that menu board!!! So super cute!

  7. I don't care that it is old stuff. IMO if it is worth remaking it is probably worth reposting...the rest of the world always needs to be reminded of what is a good idea!!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.