
Remember 20 years ago

when I had a giveaway?

well I mailed it.

(I had the darndest time finding a box.)

I know. full of excuses.
the loot
what't included:
pink and turquoise sharpie (sharpies are my fav!)
some glue sticks
and some gorilla glue
some tootsie rolls cause every package needs a sweet.


  1. It was wonderful to recieve. Thanks! It made my girls day too. (At least until they figured out I wouldn't let them sit down and eat all the candy right then :)I did let them have one even thought it was before dinner)

  2. Do another giveaway and choose me as the winner!! :P

  3. Seriously awesome stuff! What is that? A 'Z'?

  4. That turned out so cute! I love the pink and turquoise sharpies to match it too:)

  5. Great give away! Congratulations to the winner! As I haven't been following your blog for 20 years,I noticed the levis apron and had to find your tutorial on it so I can make matching mother daughter aprons for my girls for Christmas. That has to be the best apron for heavy duty cooking I have ever seen. Thanks for sharing.

  6. What a awesome package! I'm sure whoever won is going to be thrilled to get it. I wish I was the winner so I could receive that in the mail. :)


  7. Hello! You've won a blog award at http://livingahealthybeachlife.blogspot.com

  8. Looks like an awesome package... but What is the wooden Z thingy? Is that a glue gun stand?


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.