
Contact the girl

shoot me an email if you have any questions or just want to chat!


Phone number: 208-52 oh...Yea right....


  1. Hi Kimbo.
    At Augost we made a cardboard playhouse

    Tonight I found at my bookmarks the "cardboard-playhouse" post at your blog , I realized it was the inspiration for our house. So thank you for the inspiration and for all the beautiful things you sharing whith us.


  2. I got some small and large acrylic ice cubes today (they were really cheap .... discounted way down) but I have no idea what they are for or what amazing craft I could do w/ them!

    Any ideas?


  3. So, first off...LOVE your site...it's fantabulous! Second, I am trying to start a blog for all things mom related, although not a ton of crafts, as I'm not inclined in the seamstress skills. I see that you use blogspot, I'm having some issues with it, would you mind if I pick your brain a bit??? You can contact me @ my email benbretay@yahoo.com. Also, small world my aunt and Uncle live in Pocatello too, she works for Simplot and he owns a golf course! So any advise/help you could give me would be super awesome!!!



  4. Hahaha.....when I read the etching post earlier I read the phrases and thought "genius - how cute are those sayings??!!!!" Soooo different from the ordinary last name! But maybe my humor is off ;)

  5. Kim...you crack me up! I love reading your funny comments and jokes on your blog. Crafting is fun and you take to a whole new level with your blog. It's very refreshing. Im a stay at home Mom of two boys and I love crafting. Especially easy, upcycled crafts. My 3 year old son is begging me to make the felt car mat...so I will be attacking that project with full force this weekend..wish me luck! Keep up the good work, you rock!

  6. I loooooove your blog, it is AWESOME! I love the felt mats they are perfect, I need many many pockets for many princesses.........and then the male half is going to be looking for felt lego layouts........oh help me....... that plan will be an all afternoon one!

  7. Hi Kim! I am fairly new to your blog, but I LOVE IT! Thank you for sharing your creativity! Quick question I thought you might be able to help me on...I am looking for some seat cushions for my outdoor wicker furniture. Any suggestions on a good sight to find them on, or a good way to make them myself? I don't mind paying a little extra more for some custom made ones. I have this "vision" of a great purple, red, and olive green paisley print material in my head and I'm bound and determined to find something close to it! Thanks again for your great blog! Have a wonderful day!


  8. I'm not a blogger but I read alot of blogs for craft and sewing, You are by far the most entertaining!!! You are so cute and funny!! Keep it up!

  9. I was wondering if you have a facebook page? I love your blog personality and would love to follow on fb also!


  10. I am trying to sign up for the free desk giveaway but have never blogged before..does this count as an entry??!! I desperately need to get organized and the desk would be a god send... lori2813@yahoo.com

  11. Hey! I am trying to buy the menu board kit, but the link jumps me to etsy and says the item is no longer available. This cannot be since I am having a party to make them, I need 5 so far! Please help!

  12. Hi,
    I am taking inspiration from all of your lantern posts this week...so far I have made one similar to the tablecloth lantern and a couple other ideas of my own but I would really like to do one with twine...I just don't knwo where to buy stiff twine like you used on yours...any help?
    Thanks, appreciate the inspiration. hgrossman@cableone.net

  13. ooOh I'm just about to try and recover a lamp shade. Thanks for the tips! Natalie @ newtaly.com

  14. Hey, just wanted to say how much i enjoy your blogg. I am still trying to get the hang of this stuff lol, Would love if you would follow my blog

  15. Hi! Could not find the space to comment about Rachals Soaps on Etsy but I did like her on facebook, Pinned her soap on Pinterest and would love the Peppermint wake-up bar so I can find comment sections! lol
    Love your blog and thanks. My email: sleepyconsultant@yahoo.com

  16. Your new living room is beautiul. I'm trying to do my living room and that's exactly my taste..Where did you find the couch?? And the clock?? You decorate beautifully.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.