
an award..(aka..not your usual shout out sunday!)

let me tell you a story:
when i started this blog i would get lots of awards...i don't know if people don't think i'm worthy anymore...or if they just kinda died out....

but when you got an award you got to tell about yourself then tag other bloggers (and that is how my shout out sundays acutally started....i didn't want to just put link so i put pictures of projects they did that i loved)

wow. that might as well be the shortest story i have ever told on this here blog.

BUT then...i got an email saying i got a blog award from decorated chaos ..AND i also got tagged (by soccer mom! thanks nicole!)

so  i get to use it an excuse to share some random info about myself--then to tag other people...and since it's my blog and i'll do what i want.....i will do just that...

1. i'm anemic.....which isn't really anything special to talk about. it basically means i'm cold ALL THE TIME....and i pass out randomly at walmart (true {and embarrassing} story)

2. whenever i brush my teeth, i grab my husband's toothbrush and get it wet so he will think i used his toothbrush...just to freak him out.

it's the little things.

3. in my "old" age i started developing an allergy to 90% of all fruit. (and i happen to love fruit) so i try to be like wesley from princess bride and continue to eat it build up an ammunity to it.  so far i've built up extremely itchy throat and then my voice gets all scratchy.

4. i have these sandals that zip up the back..but i don't zip them (cause i have a thing about slip ons) and they sound like spurs...and i like that. i should buy some spurs...

which brings me to number 5....
i have cankles.

6.. i would marry my dvr. i love my tv shows...and i love not having to miss stuff (unless husband stops my recording (which he does all.the.time. i still don't know who won design star.)  I would take it on a desert island with me.....and watch project runway...burn notice...law and order svu, judge judy, friends reruns, gilmore girl reruns...and basically everything on bravo.

7. i can't stand long nails on me. i cut them almost everyweek. i don't know why. they are long and thick and grow fast but they just get in the way!

8. I don't take off my makeup at nights...
you should know by now how lazy i am...which usually means i look like alice cooper
(cougar town fans in the house?)
9. i spent my college finals learning the entire song of we didn't star the fire by billy joel.

i totally know all the words.
and i failed my finals.

Now to tag some other well deserving people:

i wanted to use this "tag" to highlight the blogs i truly read. like the ones i get all giddy when i see a post from them in my bloglovin. the ones that i want to stalk and hand out at their houses and become bffs with.

in no particular order (seriously..i'm just going down my bloglovin...)

1. mandi tremayne: putting all her power tools and molding amazingness aside: she quotes princess bride. nuff said. (okay. i'll say more. my first time over there i saw that her profile was wonder woman and her info said just a mom that loves pina coladas and getting caught in the rain. and my love for her was instant. i love her humor. humor is VERY Important to me. i love her photographs. her skills in the bedroom garage are to die for. If i got on craft wars i would take her with me. (mandi, would you like to be my partner on craft wars if i ever got lucky enough to be on it? love, kim)

i HAD to put this picture. HAD.

2. cheri: i am momma hear me roar. i love her.she's amazing. I started following her cause her refashions are the cutest things and i want to give her little boys a big hug and smooch. but now i love her cause she keeps things in perspective for me...i love her sharing sundays and her wake up wednesdays (she must love alliteration) she reminds me that there is more to life than blogging and crafting. You can honestly tell how absolute sweet and real she is through her blog!

3. mandy --sugar bee: I think alot of you guys thing i hate mandy cause of our great followers battle of 2012...but in reality..love mand. she's fantastic and sweet and i kinda think of her as my blog twin. Her niche and my niche are basically the same  and if i have any questions about blogging --i email her. and she always knows the answers!

4. delia creates: her photos are beautiful. she could take a picture of her new little babies dirty diaper and i'm sure it would be pinned all over pinterest. i know this sounds weird but whenever i go over to her blog i get the  feeling like clean laundry is blowing out on the clothesline. it's like so clean and refreshing over there....she also does the color your summer series that i'm GOING to get myself an invitation next year cause i love it! (do you hear that delia...i want to participate!!!!!)
(loved this series as well...)

5. mandi from vintage revivals: Let me tell you how i found mandi....she was a member of the diy club when i was...and i was going through the ladies links and it was right around the time she was posting her real life story. so inspirational. i admire a woman who can lay it all out there..and boy mandi does..she will tell you how it is--whether it was a project that didn't work out --or a product she hates-- she won't sugar coat it. that being said, i would love to be a fly on the wall in her brain. it would be amazing. she has the best ideas ever. and she was on craft wars! tweet this!

6.Bev from flamingo toes
bev is talent. i started loving her cause her jewelry is awesome. and i loved her blog name. (and now anytime i see a flamingo i think of her...)  but everything she does comes out beautiful...and her photos are spot on! she became a fast favorite...

7. Jen Tatertots and Jello--i tried to start a rumor that jen was vampire. cause i think that's the only way she gets so much done..no sleep! everything she does is amazing--she also holds the best linky party! every friday night! it's the only one i link up to anymore!

8. eighteen 25 these ladies are dripping with talent. they can do no wrong....their printables are AMAZING...you can tell they don't have crafter add. maybe ocd. everything is always perfect and straight and i hate them for that.....and i loved their arts and crafts summer

9. Made oh made. i don't know if i love her projects...or her photos more. she is FANTASTIC at both...and that is a deadly combo in a craft blog....

10. Ashley Make it and Love it this was literally the first craft blog I read. she's BRILLIANT. and she can truly sew. i know how to sew....but she KNOWS how to sew. and everything comes out beautiful....

If you want to know ALL the blogs i stalk..you can go HERE



  1. Well to be honest. I never seen a lady make so many things perfect with a glu gun as I use a glu gun. I guess this is a mystery to me about you. You said you have recieved many awards. Good for you I applaud you. You have never replied back to my blogs. So I said okay. Why bother to post back to you. I think you had hundreds of followers so what has my wee comments compared to your fans.
    And you Martha Stewart. Sterio type. Most people interact to each other that they are interested in others blogs as well as blogging self. I am sure you comment to others. I am just not the one. I gather you might be a business gal. Who wants us to promote your goods. I could be wrong. I see you as a Martha Stewart. Dang all your work is perfection.That is awesome.And the best in the new year. You desrve it.

    So that is my opinion. Half the time not sure if your comments are for real or your a humours person which is nice. So ya. I moved on from your page..

    I did write and comment nice things but never a reply from you. Perhaps that is your choice. I really do not know. I think you recommend other blogs to people. I was just looking all you did with that glu gun.

    To each their own my dear.

    My daughter is an anemic also.
    So are a 100 people.That is not good. There is help out there for that. Thank goodness.

  2. Congrats on your award. I love looking around your blog. I follow a couple of the blogs you talked about. Here I go to look at more. :)

  3. again with the Blogger Twin - - those are the exact blogs I would highlight - LOVE them all! and Make It and Love It was my first blog read too - - and I don't wash my face either (does anyone?!) it's a look, that's for sure - - -except i don't have fruit allergies, that would be awful! good luck with that - I'll eat extra and think of you

  4. my husband cancels my DVD stuff too..Jerk. what the heck half of it he could just hit "skip" and it would catch it again later but no just go straight for the cancel button.

  5. I love your blog! Thank you so much for sharing everything :)

    What jumps out at me and the reason I am commenting is that you are probably not allergic to fruit (I may be wrong as I have no idea what's going on) but, all fruits are sprayed and oversprayed with pesticides. Pesticides are becoming stronger and more prevalent in our society since 1992. I think you're actually allergic to the pesticides and not the fruit. The negative side, since the fruits are a delivery system for the pesticides, your body will recognize the delivery system as poison now, too. To change this, buy organic. I buy organic everything and actually I have started cooking more because of it. Hey, cooking is a creative outlet I am finding.

    Robyn O'Brien is the best informative source on this subject. Here is a little talk she gave last year. I am not a food company representative or anything (just a transitioning stay at home Mom trying to figure out what she wants to do next in life, but, always creating.

  6. Thanks for the shout out! I LOVED reading your explanation of every blog on your list and I agree. I also don't wash my face and my throat is way itchy after fruit, but I try to deny it. You DID forget to mention your flexibility, I noticed :) I don't have that. Hee, hee.

    I have found that the blogs I keep coming back to are the ones whose personalities I am most drawn to - and that definitely includes you Kimbo. You make me laugh.

    Okay. End of very long comment.


  7. I don't take my makeup off at night either!! I get the Alice Cooper eyes too. But mascara is just too hard to take off at night, and I am too lazy to do it too.

  8. I too have an allergy to all fruit! Ever since my pregnancy of my second child, I can only eat cooked fruit. Oh I miss biting into an apple, peach, or pear without my ears and throat itching.

  9. So, this is what I got to read this morning while I was running around getting ready for 9 am church. (This year will be a doozy).

    Shoulda been focusing, but I gotta read me some Kimbo while I curl my hair, right? Right. Girl you made my day. Ya always do. And I thank you for that.

    So I read your first comment. I'm still trying to process it.


    . . .

  10. Goodness...I think we're all trying to process that first comment!

    You are one funny lady :)

  11. Me too! I keep rereading that first one and I'm still stumped lol. Some people are just cray cray! Haha

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Ok. I feel like that sesame street song - "Which one of these things is not like the other . . " I am so blown away that I am on your list with these amazing ladies. Seriously. You made my week!! Thank you sweet Kim!

    Also? Anemic too - (thought I have yet to do the fainting thing) and I don't take off my makeup either!

    Annnnd - you've discovered my secret brainwashing technique to come make everyone think of my blog whenever they see a flamingo. Bwahahaha (evil laughter)

    You are the best!!!

  14. I developed an allergy to all tree fruits and raw nuts decades ago. Mom was sure it was in my mind and surely the apples grown at home on our family orchard couln't possibly be the problem! At the time we lived in california.. For years they and other tree fruits were a problem after a couple bites. Eventually, we moved back home in washington state and it killed me not to be able to eat apples, pears, cherries, etc. grown by family and friends. My niece suggested eating the local honey would help, so i did. Not sure if that's the only reason but now i can eat a whole apple, small bowl of cherries, a pear or a peach usually without any problems. Think the local pollen in air and honey helped. I've also been told just breathing the local air helps...moral here is local fruits for me and even local walnuts don't cause a problem unless eaten in large quantities! Might try it and see if it helps. I still have to be very careful to wash my hands after peeling fruits or my eyes swell up and itch like crazy.

  15. Congrats on your award!!!
    And the blogs you follow sound great...I will have to visit them

  16. Kimbo - Congrats on your award. You sure are a cute and funny girl.
    As far as being cold all the time - that's me. My thryoid has lots to do with it.
    The fainting part is a little scary. You might look at this article http://www.celiac.com/articles/21864/1/How-Gluten-Sensitivity-Affects-the-Stress-Gland/Page1.html
    good luck

  17. whose alice cooper? is she pretty?


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.