
t-shirt bracelet...{kid craft monday}

after i finished my project run and play outfit..i was surrounded by jersey scraps.....
and we don't waste...so me and the daughter sat down and made some bracelets--
(she tells me, "You should change your blog to TWO girls and a glue gun." how cute is that?)

just cause it's funny...
she's all..."the pavement smells gross."

ha ha.
anyways..these are all made out of t-shirt material..it's awesome and stretchy and doesn't fray and you can hot glue the crap out it.
all you need to do is cut the fabric in strips...and pull it. the edges curl in and it turns into a rope almost...

you just attach them together with hot glue
and have your way with them....

and all of these are just hot glued together with an extra square of fabric to connect them.

first up is...
 these are just basic braids.....you can do thick...you can do small...you could do a bunch of smalls and hot glue all the ends together to make one big braid..these are the ones my daughter made...great project if you are trying to teach your kid to braid!!!

next up...

 this one is a bit more trickier...but luckily there is an AWESOME TUTORIAL here and once you get it..you get it....my strips aren't all the same size...so it doesn't look as pretty as ashleys...but me no care.

and then there is the....
i do this in my daughter's hair...here's the basic how-to
(can we talk about how my rug is literally the worst picture spot for this...just saying)

 seperate the pieces into sides...(the smaller strips the better--i did bigger and it just looked like a braid)
1.you take one back piece from the left side and cross it all the way over the other side (2.)
and 3. you then take the back piece from the right side onver the left (4.)
always grab from the back...cross over. keep it tight....

and don't forget the
 this one is just the strips left as is and hot glued together...

then i kinda played around made two braids glued together with a small braid hot glued in the middle
and then i had some trim so i just put it on with a braid in the middle...

so there you have it....easy and fun and we only burned ourselves 12 times!

these were on group deals..i think they are leather..but still...totally doable with t-shirt material. love all the fun colors!!!!



  1. very cool! Thanks for the inspiration to do something fun with my daughter too.

  2. This is a perfect project for my girl scouts about reusing (can't think of the daisy petal).

  3. LOVE THIS! And all of the possibilities. So glad I saved all of my husbands old t shirts!

  4. Oh wow I love this and in fact have started getting ready for the warmer weather [in Australia] and I have a bunch of clothes the girls don't fit into any longer and now I am going to go back through them so I can make some of these, they will love them! THANK YOU!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.