
boy look how to

i lost.

boo hoo.
i'm sad...
A. i'm super competitive...
(me and the husband may or may not have gotten in a brawl over an uno game)
B. this competition really pushed me to sew outside myself comfort zone
and C. i got crap done.

i'm not sad 
A. i'm so tired.
B. i'm so behind on everything else
(if you came to my house you wouldn't be allowed in)
and C. my kids are sadly neglected.
so win/lose

thank you all for voting for me ---i appreciate you all!!!!
it was honestly a blast--and i can't wait to see what the girls whip out for next week...

now...onto the losing tutorial.....

okay...when i sat down to sketch my boy look...i knew i wanted a vest....

and i guess some pants.

but for sure a vest.
and a cardigan of sorts....
and i wandered around joanns and kinda came up short.
I had a color scheme in my mind...and nothing really "spoke " to me.
and yes. fabric speaks. sometimes yells.

but the boy fabric must have stayed up all night playing xbox and was sleeping when i went to find it.

so i made a trip to the thrift store.
cause i thought an old sweater would be perfect for my cardigan....
ladies and gentlemens....
it's amazing.
i found so many...
i could have done like 89 boy looks.

here's what i brought home (as well as a shirt for me...another sweater for a boy refashion...and some other crap that i couldn't pass up.)
all these looks are xxl...and the pants are 42. i wanted big to give myself plenty of room to make mistakes.

these 4 pieces were $18...
which makes me want to go on the rant about how our thrift stores are so freakin expensive when the stuff is DONATED to them for free.
i mean yes...a $6 pair of pants is a steal of deal..
if it wasn't used..
and possibly dirty.

moving on....i loved the look of these three together.....

but i didn't know what one do my vest out of...so i shot back to joanns and woke up some boy flannel and star wars fabric and took that home.....

each piece is made the same unprofessional way as i make everything....
an item of clothing from my kids closet as a pattern....
the pants were the hardest part.
he ended up with a mini mc hammer crotch...which caused a wed night of stitch picking...super fun.
the pockets: not that you could really see how to do it...but it's like the only picture i took...
if you look closely at the below picture of the pants...
grass stains.....already. one day of pictures and the kid gets grass stains.
what a boy.
 the k and stripes on the cardigan is actually flocked t-shirt vinyl from expressions vinyl (flocked means fuzzy)
the white plaid shirt was too plain...needed a little something. 
and when i found my son's ninja drawing i thought it would be perrrrfect.
just drawn on with fabric maker....
 then i made a wholllle bunch of bow ties...

let's move onto the vest....
its one of my favorite parts:

i bought 20 inches of the plaid and star wars (which was just enough for my on the small side 6 year old boy)
and  a few inches of black for the binding....

 i cut three pieces.....(and took horrible pictures) so i drew horrible pictures to show you...

then i cut three pieces out of the star wars...and put wrong sides together...
so the patterned sides are both facing out....
and then i sewed stripes across...

(lucky for me..the flannel had a great pattern and i just did every other square.....
then i took some stuffing...and stuffed it...very lightly...a little went a long way....you can puff the sucker out if you wanted too....
then i sewed the top shoulders...and the two sides to the back panel. put the outside fabric on the inside when you sew...so i laid the back piece on top of these two pieces plaid side down....
match up the colors:

i added a collar--which was basically a 5 in strip folded in half and stuffed. i folded the edges under and sewed it along the top of the vest.

then i made some bias tape....and went up the front and arm holes.....

 oh...and i forget to mention the faux pockets. they are just strips of fabric made to look like pockets....(sewed on after it was stuffed)

you could also add an awesome pocket on the inside to hold star wars toys....
and there is the basics on the 5 pieces i made!

if you wanted to see all the pictures of the boy...go HERE



  1. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Bee Craft Inspirations, under the Page 4 post on Oct. 09, 2012. Thanks again.

  2. I think you got robbed!!! Your look was by far the best and I wish I could have voted more for you. I guess it's all a matter of opinion, but yours ROCKED! :)

  3. Vest - what about when you make your sandwich with the wrong sides together, ya think I could have a layer of batting in the middle and then skip the "stuffing" - - I think I might try that....

  4. Bravo! You did such an awesome job with your boys clothes and all of your other projects too!!! You really have an eye for design and it was so fun to see what you came up with each week!

  5. ok, that picture just makes me laugh, but it is not funny that you lost! seriously, you have rocked it the whole time! sad to see you go, but im sure we can both agree it was crazy and a lot of work! i gave up sewing for the sew along group, guess i needed a break. hope i see you there though:)

  6. I can't believe you lost either, I definitely thought there were ones that weren't as good as yours. Well anyway, the other day I went to Value Village and found this Serger for 200$ - when I looked it up in store on my Amazon I found the same exact model for 150-180, and those were new!! Come on, they are selling USED items that someone gave FOR FREE and they still have to jerk the price up so much?!? The thrift stores can make me so mad.

  7. Yours was far and away my favorite look and I voted for you and loved it loved it loved it. I litterally muttered a little "boo" when I saw you lost :-( I have to say though, you are always so cheery and upbeat and funny!! Anywhooo... My boys are dying for a vest like that now. Guess I better get my butt over to my sewing machine!

  8. I love seeing your creations, you are truely a blessing to the uncreative...aka me....thanks for everything you share, you inspire me always to be more creative! YOU ROCK!!!

  9. Oh wow! The young man looked really sharp in all the clothes you made for him. Love that vest you made. Oh dear! I want to make two for my kids as well. Love, love, love! Thank you so much for sharing. :)


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.