
gift it

today i'm over at my namesake (not really)'s blog (but really...we share the same name and obvs the same sense of humor. i mean look at her button)....she's have a gift month full of great gift ideas....LIKE:
great roundups.....

i linked up none of these..cause that would take time and effort.
but you can go here and not miss a thing!

and i'm directly HERE


  1. Great finds but I'm confused...is the felt grouped photo (not numbered) with the ice cream scoop yours? I searched through your blog and couldn't locate anything that looked like it on the other link you provided. Thanks!

  2. haha. Awesome.
    By the way, I'm glad someone appreciates that button. I thought it was killer.

  3. all the pictures are from her series...go here and see them all

  4. haha I love it. I tried to click on a pic and was like "What the hell?" and then I read the rest of your post. I will just go look at her blog :)
    you crack me up.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.