
doily lantern

so i had a quick obsession with hanging balls....

and I made this cute doily lantern and never posted it here (just at the diy blog)


(both from the dollar store)

and this awesome decoupage from americana....

I just poured it out...painted some in the middle of my doily...

and then put it on the balloon and mod podged the lacy holey part
I did one layer...(cause i didn't want it to thick...) and deflated my balloon..

and my doilies caved.....it was too stuck to my balloon. (what can i say, that decoupage stuff is awesome and really sticks!!)

so i stuck in my balloon...
blew it back up
and tried another layer of doiles......

and this one was a SUCCESS!

the decoupage goes on super smooth and makes it super strong!
i've had a little problem with mod podge wrinkling my stuff..but this stuff rocks!

I added some invisible string with a needle....

and hung it up with the rest of my balls...

you can go here to see the rest of my hanging lantern thingys


  1. I tried to do the the string globe one for my wedding reception... ULTIMATE FAIL ha ha when I deflated the balloon the string deflated too! I didnt feel like messing with it again so I gave up. I probably should have used a strong, undiluted glue (I mixed modge podge with tacky glue and water... it was too thin smh)

  2. Back when you originally posted the rossette lantern I started 2 one aqua and one hot pink for my daughter.She saw it and was in love, multiple burns and I literally finished it about 2 weeks ago. I ran out of streamers and kept putting off buying more dreading another burn lol


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.