
paper coterie

paper coterie.

if you are long time reader of me....this name will be familiar...i love them.

and i order a LOT of crap from them
no. i take that back...i won't even call this crap (which i call everything crap) but there stuff is just too awesome.....

you might remember my i spy book....

I also ordered my christmas card from them
(you can read the letter that went out with all my cards HERE)

and 3 journals...

and that special book for my mom with pics of the grandkids and their fav thing about grandma

and 3 posters...
which literally EVEYRONE who comes in my house comments on...
it's cause they are so cool and canvassy and stick right to the wall....

 and because my kids are so dang cute...

and i also ordered the cookbook....
because...well..i was in it...and i felt famous...and i like to eat food.

and my sister ordered a growth chart...
and i'm making a baptism book for my daughter..

and i'm planning on putting together a calendar for my mother in law of all the childrens for christmas......

to make a long story even longer...

i love this shop.
it's my favorite.
and with mother's day/father's day coming up it's like the best thing in the world to give ...cause it's personalized...and shows you care..

and it's literally you upload pictures, drag them to where want them and type in some text..super easy!

and they ship SUPER fast. like super.

and they will give you a 40 credit for new customers (just type in welcome2012 at checkout!)
 so head on over and check them out! and see why i love them so much!

(AND i'm putting their button in my sidebar so you can  get to them super easy!)


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