
a new week...a new round...

it's children's literature week.

and i made an alice in wonderland dress...cause
a. it's my favorite book
b. my daughter looks just like her..
and c. it was this or nothing.

so go HERE to vote and the same rules apply as last week...you don't have to vote for me..go vote for the one you love...cause there are sooo many great ideas!

(the poll is down the right hand side!)
I may have gone a little picture happy....


  1. I think you have an unfair advantage; she is beautiful. And really looks like Alice.

    Good luck!!!

  2. It looks beautiful on your daughter, how fun!!

  3. This is SO cute! I got a sewing machine for Christmas this year, partially because of your blog! I love it & it's so inspiring to my crafty/ creative side. Have a good week!

  4. Wow, if there's ever another Alice In Wonderland movie your daughter should DEF take the role of Alice! The dress looks GREAT also!

  5. Oh nice! That turned out great! I recognized her without even reading! ;)


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.