
i concede

she zoomed past (you know she was calling all her long last family to make them get on and follow her)

okay..probably not. she's just awesome.

this is for her....

now..for the somewhat little snarky comment on my last post about this being a popularity contest....

me and mandy...

oh excuse my grammar.

mandy and I are actually very good friends...and have been emailing this whole time (and just occasionally trash talking)

i wasn't just picking a random blog to compete against.... mandy is my go to girl for any blog problem i'm having...she's a wealth of knowledge...and talent...and funniness...and i really love her...

so if i had to lose....i'm glad it was to her. (and now that the competition is over....make sure you are following her!)

but don't worry. cause we are both on so you think you're crafty this season...so i will just beat her there (but..um..not this week...cause she's ahead of me for her awesome bathroom organizer....


  1. I love ya both so best of luck on SYTYC!!

  2. Oh I love that bathroom organizer!! So cool!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.