
new years resolutions...

this year. i will resolve to actually do my new years resolutions....


and so i will make them super duper easy.


i WILL resolve to get over 3,000 pins on pinterest....

I also resolve to cook dinner AT least once a week.

I resolve to only say curse words at my husband and/or a craft that is not behaving. and maybe when i stub my toe cause it hurts like the dickens.

I resolve to eat chocolate for breakfast. and maybe lunch.

I resolve to play more board games.

I resolve to never do laundry again.
(this is NOT my house.)

I resolve to get more sleep

and to teach my daughter how to run the dvr so i can get more sleep.
such a lady....lifting her dress up so she doesn't get it dirty...

I resolve to make out with my husband more....

and my boyfriend.

I resolve to quit telling my husband i have a boyfriend on the side.

I resolve to put actual clothes on at least four twice a week

I resolve to write more thank you notes (and ACTUALLY mail them instead of having them sit on top of the tv until i threw them away with shame)

I resolve to figure out this silhoueete...

I resolve to learn how to spell silhouetete.

I resolve to CRAFT MORE!

(my *real* resolutions involve dentist, pap smear, and all that fun jazz...that's why i'm sticking to the first list.)

what's your new years resolution?


  1. I swear (not swearing at you lol) I was having a crack a jack day aka crap and a bit over whelmed with all I have to do before going camping YAY (boo so not the camping type) and your post just made me laugh and smile the whole way and I feel slightly more relaxed for this minute any ways lol!

  2. Ha! I think I might have to use your list!! Ha!

  3. Your resolution list is awesome! Very witty and even truthful! Haha!!! Loved it!

  4. This is the best list I've read. Thanks for the morning laughs!

  5. Brilliant...I think my boyfriend suspects a form of Tourettes whenever I start sewing (prone to stabbing myself or sewing things to me frequentlu). Very jealous of your silhoutte! Good luck!

    Rosie x

  6. YOU GOT A SILHOUETTE? Did the hubs buy it for you? But you love your Cricut?!?! Did they give you one? AWESOME!

    So did you just resolve to only pretty much swear at the hubs?

    'Cause that is pretty much awesome.

  7. You're too funny. THanks for the laugh... starting to think I should adopt your list.... at least about the eating chocolate for breakfast. I think I could accommodate that out! haha

  8. why would you need to get dressed twice in a week?

  9. Now those are my kind of resolutions!!!

  10. Too funny! My husband just looked at me as I kept laughing out loud! So glad I found your blog!


  11. :) I like your list! Getting a Silhouette was the ONLY way I learned to spell it... When you have to write it in your posts over and over you learn!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.