
star wars mat

in a galaxy far far away (in my brain)--i decided to make a star wars mat.

and i went and bought black felt ....

and some yellow for the trim...

then i took some white paint...

and made some stars (paint was slightly watered down...and it will soak through the felt so make sure you have tarp underneath it...)

then i sat...
and cut out the star wars logo...

and sat

and sat..

and googled

and scratched my head.

i know nothing about star wars
(i actually talk about it HERE on my star wars picture)
but i wasn't doing people..this was a place for the people to play...
or urh.fight?
and the only thing i could name was the millenium falcon.

so i turned to my blog family on facebook and asked for help!
and got EXACTLY what i needed! a list of of planets and places that were the most important to star wars...

(thank you ladies!!!!!)
"My husband agrees and would rank them in order of importance as , Tatooine (in every movie but Empire), the Death Star, millenium falcon, Naboo, Cloud City, Endor (for Ewoks), and the capital city"

so i wookiepedia it (yes.. WOOKIEpedia)

and found me some pictures...

and tried to receate it in felt...
but you know...i wanted something a little more mature...

so i used my sharpie to add dimension..

just lightly using it to add shadow

i did add some felt...then came in behind it and just added some contrast...

with all my felt mats: i cut all the main pieces and then hot glue once i have put them on a bazillion times until i figure out a way i like it....
 i needed something red.....so i added a planet.....sue me. or george lucas can sue me....

and this is what i would like to think is capital city? maybe not? i can't remember..but it was an important space stop station fuel up thing...maybe? lol..just when i thought i was learning..
the original picture:

and the pieces all together:

the back even comes with pockets to stick those tiny tinyyyyyy swords and guns

dear makers of kids toys,
why do you hate us? does it really have to be the size of a crumb to be cool?
love, moms.

or you could flip the whole thing and play on the back if they need room to battle

the present:

and as always..

it folds up pretty small

now..i have seen on pinterest (where i spend the majority of my free time) that people aren't so sure about hot glue and felt..
maybe the comment of "i'll probably sew it to make it more permanent.." has been said a time or too..
and sewing is fine...looks nice.
and spend triple the time doing it...

so i am here to show you that felt and hot glue are a match made in adhesive heaven.....

do you think i could possibly make just one vlog without my kids interrupting?

if you want to go totally crazy:


  1. awesome! sawyer woud LOVE that! what a great mom you are. :)

  2. This is so Cool!! My son went through that phase and we still have all his guys tucked away in the attic. My Son was 2 and half when he started his Star Ware kick. Mine had to have the right gun or lightsaber. I don't know how he knew exactly which one went with which, but he did.

  3. I can also agree about hot glue and felt. I made you car mat for my son last year for Christmas and i was really scared it wouldn't hold up...he still has it and everything on it! Saves so much time. I think i'll make my daughter your pony mat this year! I love the hot glue crafts

  4. You are the reason I prefer to work with felt and a glue gun! It's how I made my Halloween costume, and my son's, and my other son's.... :)

  5. cute idea, i love all the things you can do with felt. Still wanting to make a felt play mat for my son. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.