
a flannel blanket....

i am certifictable nuts.


i found myself at joanns.

surrounded by bolts of flannel
tables upon tables of flannel

and i started throwing everything onto my (stupid) little cart.

really. they need some costco carts in that store...

so, the lady at the checkout asks me what i'm making....

and i know i have the deer in the headlights look.

like i have a clue..

but they had all this pretty black and white fabric
and decided it would make a great blanket.

for whom i don't know.

not. a. clue.

whoever is lucky enough to pop out a baby first wins!
(do i know any pregnant people? nope)

but i have been wanting to make this blanket for awhile. I got a quilt from my husband's aunt made like this...and i love and adore it...

so heck. why not?

I bought 16 inches of each pattern (5 patterns)

and cut 8 inch squares.
that equals 10 squares per pattern.

then i took each square and put wrong sides together. so the front and back are both pretty.

 that makes it so you have 5 squares of each pattern= 25 squares all together. ie..crib size.
I cut batting that was 6 inches by 6 inches....
and sandwiched it in between each layer of flannel

pin in place

and watched burn notice.....

then i took them to stewart (the sewing machine) and sewed an x across them

then i layed them all out how i wanted them and sewed them together...i put all the edges together on one side...
so all the edges are facing out..(then you snip them...CAREFUL not to cut through the sewing or it will unravel)
(after you wash it the fraying will look more like this:

i added a binding (made the same way i make them for my levi aprons)
(this green on green clashes so bad. like nails on a chalkboard for me)
(i was trying to keep it a gender neutral color)

i *almost* said...i wish i had a baby to take these pictures.

but i don't. i wish i could borrow someone's baby to take some pictures and then give it right back as soon as they poop..

but this will have to do..

with some of the other loads of flannel i bought i've been cranking out some handwarmers


  1. Muy bonita te ha quedado preciosa, y un gran tutorial,un saludo. http://elrincondeameliav.blogspot.com
    un saludo, me encanta tu blog.

  2. love it! Thanks for the tutorial too. You made it look so easy I just might have to give it a try!

  3. Love this blanket.....may have to make one for my second grandchild coming in June. I will let you know if I make one. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. um, did you see the black friday ad for joanns?!? $1.49 flannel on friday and $1.99 fabric on saturday - - I can't decide which day to go, but will probably need to show up for both!!! joining on in with the rest of the crazy ladies....

  5. Black and white quilt.. that looks so cool and I LOVE the green binding.
    Babies ~ new borns can see black and white and this would make a great blanket for them.
    Great work~!
    ta ta for now from Iowa:)

  6. I love it! The green looks awesome against the black! I made a one like this a few years ago with old tees and jeans... yours is cuter!

  7. I love, love, love the color combination. No lie, I am quilting a quilt in those exact colors right now. Well, not literally this minute, but you know what I mean. :)

  8. Love it! I was JUST working on a rag quilt before I looked at this post too. I like your binding, I think I might do that too.

  9. i love this so much it makes me want to get pregnant just so you'll give it to me! great job!!

  10. I love the blanket! My mom made me one for my little girl and my husband thinks that it isn't very soft so I'll have to have her try the batting inside. (I'm scared of my sewing machine so I do little things :)) Thanks for the great idea!

  11. The fabric you bought was PERFECT for this! The green goes so good with it too! Perfect for a boy or girl! :)

  12. Really a cute little piece you did...love the bright green binding too! :) Thanks for sharing

    Visiting from TT & J linky party!
    Smiles, Suzanne in NW Illinois

  13. I LOVE this! I was at Joann's this morning and bought a ton of flannel with no clue what I would do with it. This is perfect for my cousin's baby!

  14. Cute! I like that technique...simple and different!

  15. You are so talented. This looks so good! You should come and enter my Vanilla Bean Paste giveaway! http://eatcakefordinner.blogspot.com/2011/11/vanilla-bean-paste-giveaway.html

  16. I totally LOVE this! By the way i saw you at Walmart the other day and i was going to say "hi Kimbo, i'm a creepy lady who you don't know and i am totally addicted to your blog" but i decided since my kids were with me i would save myself the embarrassment :)

  17. Why the heck to Joann's people think you have to have any idea what you you are going to use the fabric you are piling on the cutting table for? Don't they understand that sometimes it's just pretty and needs to be purchased? Silly people.


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