
winner, and adorable odds and ends.

First! the Winner for the elmer's package is:
Megan  who said...
haha I did that too! I also made bookmarks with them. You know the little school boxes that come in millions of colors I would color that with marker then fill it with glue, let it dry.. and then i would get a colorful molded book mark! So my fav would have to be the glue!

contact me at kimbowest21(at)gmail.com!
thanks so much to elmers for all this awesome loot!

NEXT: i got the CUTEST package in the mail a few days ago....

yes..i sing the song every time

I got this adorable little clutch  (bev--i thought of you)

everything is adorable about it down to the tape on the packaging....

I just ordered some business cards...and I think this little case is going to keep them safe...(I was going to put it in my purse but I don't want to get it all dirty with my stray pens and chapstick!

doe, a deer has a cute etsy shop that has a variety of awesome crap (in the cutest FABRIC!)
bags..(this pig fabric is ADORABLE!!)

 electronic accesories...
dog collars...

see what I mean about the fabric choices? fantastic!

she also has a great blog that I pinterested about a thousand pictures from!

anyways..go check her out!!!!


  1. Oh goodness. Now I have to go shopping!! Her things are sooo cute! And yeah - that zipper pouch was made for me. Or not. I guess it was made for you. I'll have to go see if she has another to spare. :) Thanks for the post about the sweet shop!!

  2. What an A DO RA BLE purse! It reminded me of Beverly from Flamingo toes too! LOL! Thanks for mentioning such a cute shop!


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