
a chair

you can always tell my diy club posts...cause it's filled with awesome sponsors....
and this one is no exception!!!!!

this is my table (currently in another diy redo..stay tuned for that in the next few months!)

my chairs aren't holding up  (three kids you know) and I've slowly gotten chairs at the thrift store.

I love that blue one...it's my fav....but the one across from it is cramping my style.

I primed it with my mythic primer:

and then I spray painted it green with krylon's ivy leaf...(which is the color I love.....)
which i forget to take a picture of...
It was a little too green for my kitchen...so
then I painted it all white (another forgotten picture!)
oh wait...sanded it down for a distressed look....and that was another forgotten picture!

after ALL that dried..I took this awesome product from americana

it basically turns any color paint into a glaze or stain!

(ohhhh the possibilities! red, blue, pink....I will have to play with product more!)

I just did boring brown...but it still worked awesome!

mixed it up...(equal parts)
and painted it on

then I just wipe it off.

it gets in all the little nooks and crannys and gives it a nice distressed look.

Then I took some american paint....i love both these colors...and was trying to match that other blue chair...so i mixed them together...

and painted the back of it.

and stenciled it on.

when that dried I used my sanding bug from rockler to distress it to match the rest of the piece.

Before I attached the cushion....I sprayed it with rockler's finishing spray

for the cushion...I measured a piece of white canvas

and took my stencil and laid it out...and slapped that americana paint on there.

let dry

and hot glue it ot my seat.
yes. I said hot glue. it's what I do.

(I also covered it in piece of plastic --i mentioned the three kids right?)

and as my husband was screwing the seat back on...he noticed a few pieces that were loose....

so he whipped out the gorilla glue wood glue (I can't tell you how much he loves gorilla glue..I literally have to hide my stash of it!)

we clamped it down and waited for it to dry!

WHEN it was FINALLY all dry...I turned it right side up and admired it!

it screams....

do you see the green coming out from the krylon spray paint? it was an accident....but I love it the most.


  1. Adorable. You are so creative!

  2. OoooOOOoooo...love this! I'm going to have to try the staining & antiquing medium!

  3. It looks great! I'm gonna grab some of that staining medium when I go out today!

  4. Gotta quarter? I promised my Mama I'd call when I fell in love. ♥ ;)

  5. Great job! Nice new fancy shmancy chair!


  6. That is way cool! Love that shade of blue too!!! Good idea with the plastic!

  7. Oooh! LOVE it! Totally reminds me of the vintage turquoise pyrex!

  8. ooOOoo! Love it! I LOVE tables with mismatched chairs. I was going to do mismatched chairs with matching fabric on the chair pads. But I ended up finding a really good deal on a set :P



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