
shout out sunday- summer fun edition

(Now let me tell you a story about how shout outs sunday started....(settle in)

I was getting lots of "awards" (which I blushed each time) and you are supposed to pass it on to like 10 bloggers each.

and most people just write the list and leave it at that.

and let's be completely honest....no one really clicks over. (unless there was a funny name in there like tampons and chocolate (yes..it's a real blog) .

and you know my  motto--a post is not a post without a picture.

and ON TOP of that. I was right clicking and saving pictures left and right. (I love blogland--so many crazy creative people (and just plain crazy too)

what? did you totally think I was talking about myself? RUDE. I'm not crazy.

just not entirely sane.

i'm tired. I painted all day (fumes)

oh. anywho--I was saving these pictures and i finally wised up and put it all together.

and gave birth to shout out sundays (now minus the awards--weird. I don't really get awards anymore..ha. just decided i'm making up a new award...watch for that. (did I mention fumes)) (can you put a parenthesis in parenthesis...cause I just did.)

I love that I have all these great links on my blog. I love that I can think...I featured that one idea of how to make a lemon wreath  and now I have the direct link right here. I would do it even if you HATED it. HATED.

AND the one I love the most is my summer fun shout outs. I have been sitting here with three kids who are complaining 'I'm bored" (ugh..hate those words) and I just click on my summer shout outs and have all these links to great crafts..of all skill levels and I just skim through and find something perfect. it's just so darn convenient! so I thought we should do a new round of Fun Kid's CRAFTS and CRAP to get us through 2011...alive.

come together kids
like hot rocks with a twist!

a boomerang

the fun without the mess. my kind of fun.

brassy apple has a condensed list of awesome tut...(go HERE)

which include.....

(totally random fact..my husband can walk on stilts (he did dry wall) every halloween I try to make him a giant pair of pants and have him wear his stilts. he won't do it.)

freeze some crap.
give them some "weapons" that are cheap plastic (so it takes FOREVER)
have them dig out their treasures.

such great fun ideas!!! (and free..who doesn't have water, a spoon, and some cups?)

some bubble wrap fun

awesome paper airplanes

it's a free printable...and the ideas are fantastic...

make your own shrinky dinks

no really.

this WILL be done this summer.
maybe by my kids.
for sure by me.

wayword girls craft

colored rice....so fun. so bright.

how fun is this homemade twister!

a great way to display all those things you want to get done this summer!

love this idea for in the car...cause a trip to walmart is a "road trip" to my kids.

A love to create

she used a straw to blow the paint...then she made a picture! how super fun!


noodles...balloons....kids. sounds like a perfect combo.

the idea room has a condensed version of ALL of her great ideas

fun dominos!

my kids get a cup everytime they need a drink .....drivemenutso.
love this idea. put your cup on your intial. no cup on the intial- no  drink of water. take that kids.


she's having a link up party for all things picnic...sounds like super fun to me! I'm sure you can find LOADS of fun ideas!

homemade bath paints! crafty is right!

skip to my lou has an awesome craft camp round up...

like these awesome can phones

(my in laws moved in next door (man, i'm chatty today) and I think these would work perfect from my deck to hers)

and these sun prints

and this puffy paint

irresistible ideas

snap painting..i think my kids would flip for this.....and i would totally put this on my wall.
jackson pollack..knock off.

and I want to make this pine cone bird feeder:

you know without the pretty birdhouse....or bird..or tree.

LOVELY PAPER BLOG (which should be changed to greatest paper blog ever!....seriously go check it out!!!!)

 I ALSO started a new pinterest board...kids craft crap
now..you don't have to be a member to go over and check out pinterest...

and my sister introduced me to
and it's legit. (you have to rent shoes...but your kids really bowl for free)

and now I will end with a song from M.C. hammer...

too legit...too legit to quit.

oh. wait. I will end with a father's day shoutout.....

love you daddeio.


  1. Thanks for the ideas! I actually already have some of these pinned to my pinterest boards.

  2. What great ideas!!! I cannot wait to try them and wear my kids out. :) Thanks for bringing a little fun to our summer!

  3. Thanks so much for the shout out and for collecting all these great ideas. My kids' last day of school was just on Friday and I already keep repeating my mantra "I will not let them break me, I will not let them break me". Your collection of ideas will help. :)

    Laura @ Come Together Kids

  4. Thanks for the ideas, and thanks for showing our paint blowing picture! Megan will be super happy!! I guess I better go plan singing time since I only have about an hour until church!! Crap!!

  5. So I use to save pictures all of the time. I have folder of them on my computer all organized and everything. The only problem is that not everyone does watermarks and I could NEVER remember where they came from which it totally horrifying cause I think credit should be given. So I tried bookmarking them but I gotta be honest without pictures I could never remember what they were. The point of the novel is that I started using Pinterest instead. I could tag the actual blog post AND save a picture of the project I just looved. It is FABULOUS!

    That being said I really look forward to your Sunday Posts (well every post really) so I can gather even more ideas for my Summer Bucket List board on Pinterest!

  6. these are so fun! I love your posts you make me laugh with everyone! thanks!

  7. Wow - what fun ideas!! I love those. And thanks for including my Summer Bucket List project!!!


  8. fun ideas! adding a couple to our summer to do list. thanks so much for sharing!!
    jen :)

  9. wow! that's a great list! thanks for including some from my blog! :)

    I will be sharing your post on FB! :)

  10. Thanks so much for the shout out! Can't wait to use the genius cup idea! Love it all and thanks for the laugh out loud moments!

  11. Thank you for the honorable mention shout out! What a nice plethera of blogs in here. Thank you so much for being so generous as well as a great resource!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.