

sometimes I have to choose between constantly monitoring my children....or blogging

sometimes I don't choose correctly..

awesome kid. (just one did this.)


  1. It's amazing how fast those little hands can go when you're not looking. My house ends up looking like this more often than not. I can totally relate.

  2. My house is often bad too but there are 5 grandkids that do it to me not one lol be glad you havent got twins xx

  3. Right there with ya girl-- right.there.with.ya.

  4. This looks like my dining room but the mess is all of my creative fun and I have no one to blame but myself!

  5. I love the picture of all of the stuff just thrown into the crib. I thought my little cuties were the only ones who enjoyed randomly tossing everything they can fit into it! Time for the clean up song!!!

  6. that's awesome. I have two in one room and it's twice as bad, but I don't think I'd dare to post a picture.... but I want to thank you for posting yours!!!

  7. hee hee, sending this to my cousin. She has 4 girls that do this to her all the time! My oldest is grown and gone, my youngest isn't mobile yet. Will be interesting to see what havoc she wreaks...soon enough.....

  8. I know the feeling...I know the sigh of despair when you discover the mess... I know the amount of time it will take to clean up... I know the agony when It starts all over again

  9. ahahahhahahahahahahahhahaha - I know the feeling all too well!

    You just KNOW what they are doing in the other room, and at the same time you throw your hands in the air and say oh well.

  10. LOL I prefer the don't look approach...that way in my mind their rooms look perfect....perfect just like their behavior. ; )

  11. That resembles our horribly "finished" basement and I only have one, too..... and he's 6 months old. Mister and I are to blame.

  12. Thanks for being REAL...this is my house more often than I'd like to admit (to myself!). But--the question I ask myself: are they safe and happy? Then, it's a good day!

  13. See... this right here is why I love your blog! You make us feel so normal! Some blogs only show their "staged" pictures of their latest crafts and I always think, what a failure I am cuz my house never really looks like that, and then I read yours and I feel normal again! I have 4 crazy kids and one on the way and if I finish a craft I am happy, but I know that in return my house will be destroyed! Can't have a clean house and craft so I will just stick with the messy house! THANKS KIMBO, you are AWESOME!!

  14. My house looked like that last night! Amazing how fast those little hands can pull stuff out so fast. And if yours are anything like mine, those fast hands become like slow little turtles when it is time to pick up!

  15. Oh good, I'm not the only person struggling to keep a little girl's room clean. :-P

  16. I thought only my kids did that stuff. LOL Bless your heart we do appreciate the posts if that makes you feel any better.

  17. Oh yeah...that's what happens when my husband is watching the baby (well 2 year old) while I'm either trying to get something done or out running errands...and that's not including the toys strewn on the stairs from him throwing them over the banister or all the dishes out of the dishwasher!!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.