
who wants some vinyl?

apparently a lot of you do!  and I feel bad that there can only be one winner...
but the lucky winner of our $25 gift certificate  to expressions vinyl is...

ALICIA!  who said this...
I would make so many things with the vinyl. I think I would start with some great wall sayings for my blank walls.

now...alicia dear...please contact me at kimbowest21@gmail.com within 48 hours...or i will give your vinyl away (sounds so harsh!...but it's the way it's got to be..)

thanks for all who entered.......

oh wait. did you forget....?

there is also ANOTHER prize of that awesome  decor kit

and that lucky winner is...

Meghan who said...

I need some new vinyl for all these great ideas!

congrats...same rules apply as above...(even the harshness)

a big whopping shout out the greatest vinyl store ever...expressions vinyl. make sure you keep them in mind when you want colorful vinyl for CHEAP!

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Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.