

I thought I would do something fun. fun with a touch of annoying.

okay. this actually might turn out like really annoying.

I'm going to do a day in the life of AGAAGG
(me. i'm talking about me.)

I will post my every move (okay...not every move) and thoughts (but not every thought....because, well. i have some pretty dumb thoughts.) on my TWITTER page and my FACEBOOK page( so if you don't already follow this crazy train..get up on it...so you can know the true crazy that is me.)

so starting tomorrow as soon as I wake up...you are going to get a play by play.

and then you can be relieved that you aren't me.

AND some pinterest love........

if you need an invite to pinterest email me at kimbowest21@gmail.com


  1. Oh I'm so there. ;)
    Love those pins too. haha.

  2. LOL, can't wait! I LOVE those quotes!

  3. I have that second one pinned too (well, it looks different, but it says the same thing so same diff) because well I am super funny. ;)

  4. I saw that second quote on pinterest a few days ago and thought of you right away! HAHA!

  5. TOO FUNNY... Cannot wait! : )

  6. I'm so addicted to Pinterest that it's not even funny (although it is fun). The hilarious sayings are some of my favorites.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.