
don't laugh.

Last time I was at my mom's I grabbed my high school art portfolio.  Oh my gosh. good to know that I was as immature in high school as I was today. I thought I would share some:

i drew a lot of naked babies.

I asked my husband if I could put this in our bedroom...I told him I would say I modeled it after him.

he said no.

one of my favs.

his face has always bugged me..but I liked the soccer ball.

this one is all just scratches

this one is all dots.

this one I started awhile ago and never finished. I am awesome like that.

another unfinished one

this one is my favorite...
do you see that date...1998. I'm old.

I haven't drawn in years.  I miss it.  my daughter keeps saying, " you really drew all these" I guess drawing the batman symbol time and time again doesn't really show off my skills. 


  1. HOLY CRAP!!!!! You are amazing!!!!! You need to pick up a pencil and draw again. WOW! What a talent :)

  2. Wow!!! That is some serious talent, girl!!! Very impressive.

  3. Good job! I enjoyed the one with the dog and all the fire hydrants!

  4. I am not sure if my comment posted or not (stupid internet)

    WOW! You are flippin awesome. I ADORE the last one of the baby on the towels, precious! I agree you should start drawing again, you have a great talent.

  5. I like all your naked babies!
    The top is my fave... all that curly goodness on the babies head!
    So pretty and you have some TALENT but we already know that... ;D

  6. that one with the dog and his pure bliss laid out before him - - love it!

  7. HOLY SMOKES!!! Serious talent there, fo sho! *LOL* Those are amazing!

  8. Wow! These are amazing! You certainly have a talent! Look forward to seeing what these inspire you to draw next! :)

  9. Wow. You are REALLY good. Please keep drawing Kim! You've been holding out on us :)


  10. Those are SO GOOD!!! I am impressed!!! :) Thanks for sharing another side of Kim!

  11. Now she is being modest here~she won lots of awards at the state fair. I wish I could say I taught her all I know--but she blew me out of the water when she could hold a pencil! :) She really is an amazing artist!!!!!!

  12. You have a gift, Kim. Keep drawing! I need to remind myself to pick up a pencil once in a while, too. :)
    BTW, if you're old, I'm ancient.

  13. I've been blogstalking you for awhile now and haven't commented, but I can't be quiet about these drawings. These are amazing!! I wish I had that kind of talent. Don't hide it. I want to see lots more.

  14. You totally ROCK!! As if you didn't rock already, you just rock more now! :)

  15. These are fantastic! You should start drawing again, you have some mad skillz.

  16. These are absolutely amazing!

  17. Wow, these are stunning. Great work hun (and I'll bet it's like riding a bike, a few practice doodles and you'll be right back in the swing of it).

  18. Certainly better than the few I have posted on my blog! You are a great artist!

  19. Oh my goodness you are an amazing artist. These are simply beautiful!!!

  20. I absolutely love your drawings. Your daughter reminds me of myself when I go through my mother's sketches. She'll treasure them forever.

  21. Wow! You are really good! God has given you a gift, you should pick it up again! I know how hard it is to find time, but these are truly amazing - especially for a High School student. Imagine what years and years of practice could do :)

  22. the Chinese handcuff one made me bust out laughing for some reason. I guess it spoke to me!

    I like them all...but that one was my fav...so unexpected..but not!!

  23. You are sooo awesome! I love all of your pictures... you should make some more and sell them!

  24. oh, my goodness!! put down that glue gun for awhile and paint/draw/whatever. you have a great talent--would love to see you do your children--lovely!!

  25. Im stunned... IM like WOW WOW WOW those are crazy good. Im jealous of your mad skills! haha Well not jealous... but man I wish I could have that kinda talent! You are amazing! Thanks for sharing with everyone!

  26. Wow. Amazing. And can I just say that dog one is HILARIOUS!

  27. Wow, you are very talented...I love the kiddo with the glasses..that one is cute! And I love the naked babies ones too!

  28. not laughing here. totally blow anway by your talent.

  29. Could you please send me the one big pucker up lips one? I would like to frame it in my house. Thanks. I will send my address.

  30. Kim,

    I remember when you drew those. Talk about a flashback. Every now and again I wonder how J. Coles is. Good work. I still have my stuff as well and it is funny to go back and look. I have stuff from college too. crazy how time flies. It seems like it was yesterday

  31. You are incredibly talented am so glad your mum kept them all.

  32. Wow, those drawings are awesome! You really are amazing!

  33. Wow! These were from High School? You are very talented! What a blessing!

  34. Crap those are amazing!! If they were mine they would be all up in my house somewhere! Very talented!

  35. holy cow! Those are totally awesome! You SHOULD do this more! I giggle at the one of the dog... totally reminds me of our dog wanting to "go" on everything! :)

  36. Wow...you are so talented. I like the cross hatch one the best. I am amazed.

  37. These are awesome, and if you're old, I'm old. Which we are not.

    Especially love the immigrants, the kid in glasses, and the hydrant options.

  38. WOW, Lady! You DREW all those? No April Fool's? you are so amazingly talented. Yes- you should totally draw more. Wow, wow, wow! And another- WOW!!

  39. Why would anyone laugh at those? They are amazing! You have got incredible talent.

  40. Whaaaaat? These are awesome! I wish I had the talent to draw!

  41. You are one talented lady and I would like to see you drawing again and sharing pictures on your blog. This is so inspiring. The last picture I painted on canvas was when my youngest was 18 months old. While I was indisposed she got out of bed and saw the pretty colors and decided she would help Mommy. What had taken me hours painting the house I was born and raised in perfectly only took her a few seconds to.... No more painting for 25 years after that. Then for a daughter I painted a beach scene on an old window for her birthday last year. At 60 I'm thinking I wasted a lot of time not doing something I loved. So please don't give up on yourself the way I did. Keep using your God given talent and you will never regret it. Your artwork is worthy of a place on the walls of your home.Have you ever considered drawing and to sell? I think you could be successful at it. Best Wishes!

  42. Wow, you have a gift! You definitely need to use it! These are amazing!

  43. holy heck, you're amazing! Draw more! :)

  44. You know Kim I am so proud of you, and I think you are so amazing keep up the good work baby. LOVE YOU

  45. Thanks lover ...and I might be turning 29 but you are WAY older than me!

  46. What can you not do girl.

    Your art is amazing as well. Wow!

    You can never say your bored. Either any of us can say that. Look at all you do. I am sure out of all of it we have looked through.it is more then just a glue gun. We can do something with a bottle cap and those jars that are sprayed. Surley. You are a real blessed girl. Do you want to throw some talent down all of our ways. oh did I sense some humor thrown in from you in your blogs at the side lines. Maybe a sit com??


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.