
wire words

that's right..wire words

remember my little apron shelf from yesterday....(if not go HERE) remember the yum that sits atop? is atop a word?

this is a super easy peasy project...AND it's so easy you can have your kids do it too..you know..vs. locking them up in a closet for the day...we are about at that point! loving spring break.

take some wire...(duh..they are called wire woods..) you want to be able to to move it easily...so get the thickest with the easiest bending ability.

shape it into the word you want...i chose cursive..but you can do individual letters
take some choice fabric...and rip it into strips....
add some hot glue at the starting point and attach your fabric...
and wrap and wrap and warp i mean wrap

when you reach an end of a strip..hot glue it and then continue with a new one!

my daughter and her friend made their intials...(we ran out of wire to do the whole names..)

I was in charge of hot glue..but you could buy a low temp one if you are worried about litte hands and hot things.

now..You could double wrap this so it's thicker...or hot glue stuffing around it first before wrapping.....

I might have hot glued this directly to the wall.......{just might.}

not to go all martha on you...but this is a good thing.
I'm off to buy more wire to make a west for our front door...

(i also feel I should mention...you could make cute flowers....circles....stars would be adorable....the sky is the limit...


  1. Too cute! My daughter asked about that yesterday. Thanks for the tutorial!

  2. Loving this idea, I found a random bag of wool under the bed the other day, now I know what to do with it! And no, I have no idea why there was a bag of wool under the bed!!

    Thanks for sharing another fab idea!

  3. get yourself on twitter girlfriend. all this creativeness needs to be shared!

  4. Borderline G E N I U S !!! Love it!

  5. LOVE the wire words! I'm definitely going to make this...

    Thanks for all the cute crafts! I don't think I've commented yet, but I've been stalking you for awhile. hehe ;)

    You've inspired me to get bloggin' again! Thanks :)

  6. Very cool. When I was in high school, my boyfriend at the time made me a peace sign and it hung from my ceiling fan. We never covered it with fabric though.

  7. ah, hot glued directly to the wall - - I hot glued some sticks directly to my computer screen and as I did it I thought to myself "Kimbo would be proud"...

  8. So cute...I have some heavy gauge wire at home...I might just have to try this out.

  9. I made one a while ago that said "love" which I spraypainted red (to match the kitchen) and one that said "family" which I spraypainted black and hung near my front door. Love them! So fun, cute, and EASY! Love your cloth covering ideas :)

  10. Oh, and I made the first one out of a hangar...totally worked!

  11. You have seriously helped me out!!! I often want words and cannot think how to do them. DUH!!!! I am super in love with this. I mean SUPER in love with this. I saw your guest post that said you would post this over here, so I came and followed the other night so I could see it right away. Plus, I knew if you were full of this awesomeness then I must follow.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.