
shout out sunday

jo totes

I love these camera bags sooo much.
I would even consider a trade for my first born for one!

johnny in a dress
who says you have to use ornaments only for christmas...such a cute mobile!!!!

love this...

this fudge looks awesome. as in eat it all in one sitting awesome.

love this shopping book to keep the little ones BUSY!

cutest bright wreath! it would pop on my green door!

I must be hungry..second dessert shout out..

brownie covered oreo.
oh, I'll say it again..
brownie covered oreo.


loving the colors on this bulletin board!!!!

that's fabric...not stencil...not paint...not wall paper. FABRIC. FAB ric.

oh..my, your slip is showing..

my newest favoritest etsy shop...where you want your slip to show...cause it's just THAT cute!!!!!

I know a little someone who would love this lego belt.

this quilt is sooooo cute...and just so happens that one of my sponsors sells that cute animal print

adore...go HERE to check them out

holy crap.

duct tape.

(my daughter has that tea party set too!)

love this petal skirt....(you can wear it with your duct tape purse)

you know when you have your new baby...and it's all wrapped up in pink with a bow on their head...and someone calls it a HE....drove me nuts when that happened..
this blanket is 100% boy...so if you have it on your baby...and someone calls "her" so cute...you know it's cause their crazy and that you don't have a super feminine looking son.

wow...that was a long way of saying I love this boy blanket.


  1. Thank you so much for the shout out! I am honored!! And that fudge?!! YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!

  2. I just got my Jo Tote this week. Love it!

  3. Thanks for the awesome shout out! I LOVE your blog and I'm really diggin' that lemon wreath!

    A Slip Shop

  4. Thank you for the shout out! Made my day! Love, Love, LOVE your blog and all of your craftiness too!

  5. Kimbo,
    I need one of those camera bags asap! Lol
    I need two of the petal skirts;))
    Thank you, Thank you, thank you for the shout out about my fudge...you are very sweet for sharing!
    my daughter has that Tea set too.

  6. Love the list. I am totally wearing a slip from the slip shop right now (I might have purchased five of them a few weeks ago.) They are awesome, especially when you're tall and you want to show a little less leg than a dress covers. I'm patiently saving my pennies to buy a couple more!

  7. WOW! I am SO honored and excited to be featured! I'm in great company for sure...THANK YOU I LOVE your blog...the inspiration for craftiness (with a glue gun which is a MAJOR plus for this non-sewer) and especially your humor!

    Thanks again and I hope you continue to stop by my blog as I come up with more ways for re-doing our new "inspiration/creativity room"

  8. Oh and I am SO going to try those oreo brownies...two of my favorites in one place...Lord Have Mercy.

  9. Thanks so much for featuring my shopping book--now I just need to figure out how to make it with a glue gun! ;)

  10. Thank you so much for the shout out! I'm so excited you found it!

  11. WOW! great shout out post. Gonna have to try a brownie covered oreo. I am on my way to check out all their blogs now. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  12. I missed seeing your feature of my baby quilt. Thanks so much!


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