
ctdw: SHOES

(CTDW=clean the desk week)

first off...doesn't this picture go with this week perfectly:

these shoes have been on my desk since about christmas time.

they were from the first daughter...but needed a little something something..

and by something something I mean glouise and some black pleather.

(those little white dots you are seeing is from the white backing of the pleather...it comes off if you try...but that requires some effort of caring)

now...when I get these ideas in my head....my go to is hot glue...

but sometimes I'm unsure of if hot glue will hold.

My trick (not really a trick) I take something...hot glue it to what I want...let dry

then try to pull it off..

if it comes off (like say polly pocket's head)

hot glue won't work...turn to some other form of adhesive.

if you pull and have to tug to get it to move...

walllah. it works. thank goodness.

I don't know about you..but little chubby legs and feet are about one of my favoritest things....

on babies...


  1. Lol - these came out adorable! and you are correct - cute little chubby legs are adorable...on babies! HA!

  2. LOL at your caveat. Those look great! I just got a couple of pairs of fake Converse on clearance. Not sure what I'm gonna do with them yet, but its gonna be BIG.

  3. Wow. Those are SO much better.

  4. adorable... just adorable. and you are right, cute little chunky legs and feet are adorable until you are about 5.

  5. Sooooo Cute! I love them! How creative.

  6. Really cute idea, love everything you say!!!!! You are so funny and a girl after my own heart!
    Thanks for everything!

  7. Turned out cute as always lady! Love your technique to see if it will hold.

    love your kankles


  8. So stinkin' cute!!!!!!!



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