
codw spring wreath..

I had all these little flowers floating around from hair crap week....

for a semi tutorial on these you can go here..it involves a lot of hot glue

um...what was I going to do with them?

how about slap them on a wreath.

spray painted of course...

then just hot glued the crap around.

then I decided that it needed a little something in the middle...and I had this little wreath from the dollar store
so I spray painted that and hot glued some ribbon around..

then hot glued some ribbon on
then hot glued it onto my door.

okay I didn't REALLY hot glue it to my door...but I wouldn't put it past me.
Then I couldn't figure out where I wanted to take a picture of it...

and then this is when I looked over at my husband who was imprinting his butt on MY couch...and his eyes are wide open with that look of "my wife has gone crazy"
then he told me I forgot to put it on the bathroom door..

so I did the rest out of spite.

but here's the finished result.....

(see the butter on the counter...I made some cookies. SUCH a good housewife.)

linking this springy  baby up at the CSI project

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a craft a day!
A Craft A Day


  1. Love it. Love the colours. Going to make some of those flowers. Thanks. Tess

  2. hahaha That rhymed. :) Ok, maybe it wasn't that funny. Tess

  3. Fun wreath. I loved hair crap week. Recently started my own blog. check it out at http://bucketofbuttons.blogspot.com .

  4. Can I tell you that this post and your crazy rain hair made me fall in love with you just a little bit? :) The wreath is great. My favorite spray paint color!

  5. I LOVE this wreath! Now I need to get the crap to make all these flowers and stuff!

  6. Love this wreath!!! Awesome, love when you get to use left over stuff!

  7. Very cute! I swear I have 11 of those wreaths laying around here naked. I love that you put the little one inside! Raining here today too, I guess I will bust out the glue gun! :D

  8. Your wreath looks great, no matter where you hang it up!

  9. oh my goodness! i LOVE this!!! i have been thinking that i need to change the winter-looking wreath off my front door but didn't know what to change it to! this is totally it, i think i'll go to the store today! :) i adore your blog and think you are absolutely amazing, i'm so glad i can blog-stalk you :) keep the adorable crafty things coming, i know you will! :)

  10. i love this!! So perfect for spring!


  11. That turned out SOOOO cute! I just made a spring wreath today, too. Not nearly as cute as yours, though...and I can't stop laughing about how you said, "Then you just glue the crap around..." You are hilarious! And you talk just like me. Or I talk just like you....either way, it's FAB. :)

  12. I want this. really. give it away pretty, pretty please? I will love you forever.

    Very beautiful job!

  13. So stinkin' cute! I hae been looking around in the stores for something to put on the door but I am going to totally make this wreath! Thanks!!!



  14. Question......do you iron interfacing to the flat pieces? What weight do you use?


  15. What a fun wreath! I love the bright colors!

  16. Thanks for sharing! Those flowers are so cute.

  17. This is SO cute! The colors are so so fun!! Great job. I'd love for you to link it up at Sundae Scoop!

  18. LOVE it! Going on my to copy list. With Joy, Carey

  19. I love this wreath!

    thanks for inspiring

  20. It looks simple yet so pretty. The colors are adorable.

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  21. I don't iron any interfacing....me and the iron aren't friends...in fact..he doesn't even have a name.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.