
clean off my desk week...

okay...this is more for me than you. I have piles...big piles that just seem to get bigger. All this little small stuff that I want to finish...but it's small little stuff that I wouldn't normally blog about cause it's just small little stuff.....(let's hope that's not what she said.)   (and did you hear that will farrell might replace steve carrell on the office.....hmph.)

but it seems that if I can't blog about it....it doesn't get done.  (you should see my daughter's hair.)  (and dinner)

so I figured the only way to get some crap done is to blog about it.....and so I announce to you all.....
it's clean off the desk week...

I know...it's pink and big...but still a little boring.


join me to finish those little projects that are ALMOST done or those small things that would take ten minutes of your time to do if you only sat down and did it.... a little spring cleaning...although we are far from spring....

so far I have FINALLY made  a matching hair thing for my daughter's tights

and while i had the felt out....

I made some embellishments to adorn my ear warmers I scored on clearance at walmart

with a pin in back so I can wash them...

and since the hot glue gun was heated up...

I finished off a few bow ties for the boy..

and I may have made more hair crap....

for no good reason except i can't help myself.


  1. HA! Your desk space sounds like mine! I am actually planning to tackle the piles for the whole month of April...even took the month of from my scrapbooking Design Team just for that reason. Between working full-time, having a husband and 2 kids, sometimes those quick little things that need to be finished up can take months and months and months! Love what you have gotten done so far. Good luck!

  2. I have half of a room of small unfinished projects. I have such a hard time to clean when I could be finishing. Finishing is cleaning right?

  3. gosh i need clean my floor week. I've just been pushing the stuff on my table tops and desks onto the floor :o

  4. This is a great idea! Kinda sounds like me... If I can't blog it, I won't do it. heehee!

  5. I'm your newest follower :)

    Those all look really cute! And a true crafter always has projects in the works, right??

  6. I am in! I have our whole house covered in "small" projects that never get done. No. Really. They are all over our kitchen, office, my room, etc.

  7. My closet is full of "small" stuff and projects. So need to organize. I love your blog.

  8. LOVE your blog! And I am right there with you on the unfinished projects!

    Do you have a tutorial for those cute little felt flowers? They look like I could prob figure it out but why waste time when I can ask for directions! :)

    Yeah cause I need another project! ;)

  9. all these flowers have tutorials in my week of hair crap..




  10. Thanks for the link to the hair crap tutorials. I have 2 grandaughters who will certainly want me to make them some.

  11. Your desk looks tame compared to mine! HAHA! I made a list of my "unfinished projects" and it's pretty long! There are a few I have to get done. ie: 2 friends are having babies, like soon! Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one with a desk like that!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.