
boy oh boy.

oh boy. love cheri's challenge...and I knew I HAD to participate...my poor son...I'm sorry..but girl and pink stuff is just more fun. So I made a special trip to joanns just for him (he even got to pull the ticket to cut the fabric)

HEre's my loot.....
couldn't pass up the superman....too cute.

Now FYI..I had no idea what i was doing. I had an idea of the finished product but I wasn't sure the process..
so I will leave out the parts where I sit with it on my lap and "thought" about my next steps...

I stacked them all on top of each other in an order I wanted...(batman was on top!)

cut out an oval shape.

Made sure it fit the shirt....

Then I fold it half and creased it (and then hopefully give myself a manicure)

now that  I had a middle point I drew the batman symbol...and I did free hand...cause THAT is how many batmans I have drawn...I could probably do it in my sleep.

and i did it with a sharpie...but  it was on the very back layer..so no one would ever see it.

then I stitched around

on the lap...thinking...

cut out right around the stitching..

then stitched another one on the next layer down... (dang, forgot the manicure..maybe next picture)

cut out the next layer..

stitch (are we seeing a pattern?)
To cut it out : I stuck my seam ripper and to start a hole my scissors could fit.

sew, cut

now...if you cut carefully...you could end up with all the batmans in reverse (and hopefully you have an iron)

Then I took the outside layer...and trimmed around so you can see a little yellow..then pinned it on..

and sewed it around.

Then I added a little armband
and some floss

this is my life..punching..kicking..scratching...jumping...pinching...spitting...flicking...grabbing...hitting...
BOYS! and I only have one son..(well...a husband too...)

AND then of course I had to make a superman one...cause the fabric was there...

but I will condense the tutorial seeing how this is the longest post to date.

I also added a little tab to the sleeves.

I even took the scraps and made some squares for my son's quilt...

I Am Momma Hear Me Roar


  1. That's great. I wonder if my husband would wear something like that? I'll have to think about it. :) Thanks again for some great ideas!

  2. welp, it's awesome - you beat me, I'm sure!

  3. you are so stinking talented and I have jealousy raging through my bones right now :) no really it's more like a love/hate relationship with your craftiness!!!!!!!

  4. SO cute!!! Makes me wish I had a sewing machine...Cheri's gonna LOVE it!!

    I made one myself:-) But not half as good!

  5. Some of the best shirts ever. They will be copied, maybe as birthday gifts. My comic book nerd husband will love these for the boys.

  6. Nossa quanta criatividade, parabéns ficaram lindas. Ah! que garoto fofo.

  7. This is FANTASTIC!!!! Great job! :D

  8. I love your idea. I've been inspired now to use up some material at home to make a fun shirt for my boys.

  9. really cool :)

    just wanna mention that its my first time on ur blog and I love it :) full of wonderful ideas :) of course im becoming a follower :)

    have a awesome weekend

  10. an* awesome weekend
    sorry just being tired ;)

  11. My Daughter is a true girly girl to the max, BUT she LOVES Spiderman!...this would be cute for her

  12. That is great! I have been blog stalking you for a while. I love your stuff!

  13. Cute, cute, cute- but, very masculine! My life is a big string of kicking and jumping and wrestling and hollering and spitting too! Love how you captured your realism in these pics :)


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.