
shout out sunday

love this craft room wall...it makes me want to ....CREATE!

this necklace is soooo cute!

love this green nursery..especially love these sayings....

this doll party is like the cutest thing!

love me some scrabble..love me some scrabble pillows! (and they are reversiable!)

love this spirograph art work!

these cinnamon roll cupcakes are too yummy to pass on.

gum ball necklace.

gum ball necklace.
for reals
cutest thing EVER!!!

I don't know if you know this...but mod podge rocks!
just ask amy who made this to die for cute bangle. (such a fun girls day project!)

and I thought I was rosette happy! so cute!

I thought this how to frames was super clever! first time at this blog and I loved it!

this felt cake is to AMAZING! so freaking awesome.

this card is soooo colorfully cute!

love the lamp...okay. I don't. I would love it if it was pink and poka dotted.(what can I say..I'm a girl!)..but I KNOW my husband and son would flip for it....!~


  1. Loved the Spirograph Art Work..I may have to do that, reminds me of when I was a kid :)
    ~Nicole Timm

  2. I've been a reader of How About Orange for awhile now. Her crafts are really fun and creative and....orange! I made coasters out of magazine pages from one of her tutorials.

    The Scrabble pillows came just in the nick of time because we are getting a new sofa and loveseat and the pillows included are hideous. Off to create those!

  3. thanks for the Scrabble Tile pillow feature! Yippee!!

  4. Wow! What a surprise to see my necklace here!!
    Thank you on the feature!! Love the modge podge bracelets (it does rule!) and the doll party!

  5. Those are some CUTE shout outs! The spirograph art took me right back to my childhood.

  6. Thanks so much for the shout out! You've found some great projects!

  7. Thanks for the shout out! Your site is amazing and I'm your newest follower!

    -Jillian @ Food, Folks, and Fun.

    P.S. I just posted a giveaway!


  8. Great collection of beautiful things, I'm off to check a bunch of them out!

  9. I know it took me forever to get over here but I really wanted to thank you for featuring my Spirograph Artwork! It made my day. :)


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.