

let's talk about how I'm lazy?

don't pretend I'm not.

cause I am.

I rarely do a project that takes longer than an hour...that's why you like me right...fast and easy (that's what she said) (maybe that's other reason you like me...all these silly quotes)

heck..I rarely do a project that takes 30 minutes.
Hello, my name is kim...and I'm lazy.  not like real lazy..more like I have 3 kids and a house to clean and all that mom crap lazy. I just don' t have time to sew a perfect little dress with perfect little ruffles while my perfect little children (i snorted three times just writing that) play in their perfectly clean rooms...

where oh where am I going with this?!


this fabric may very well be the cutest and coolest darned thing ever. it makes me (mrs.lazy) look like I spent a ton of freaking time sewing all these perfect rows of the cutest ruffles ever!  I will FOREVER Sing the praises of ruffle fabric! I love it.

I got some in the mail....and laid it across my lap and "petted" it.

(okay it came all wrapped up nicely in plastic..I recreated this..)

then laid it across my daughter and backed up about 5 feet and stared at it. then I started sketching all the ways I want to use it...so much fabric so little time!!!

so I thought we would start with a valentines project/hot glue project!!!!

Items needed: cardboard box.

I had a frame that I cut this carboard to fit. then I cut my pretty ruffle fabric.

and hot glued it around the sides

ON to the frame...my bbbbffffff mand showed me this awesome glaze...and I've been itching to try it out...and guess what? on sale! that's a WHOLE lot of glaze!

so pretty! this frame was thrifted for about 2 bucks and was just wood. so I painted it white...added my tinted glaze and whipped it off! amazing!

put in my ruffles!

the backside

glued around the frame..

I had this old heart thing that I got at the thrift store...so i touched it up with a little paint....

then I added a little ribbon to the top of the frame

then I hot glued the hearts on

and hung it on my green door!

whats that..a no soliciting sign..and its not even cute!

I took this picture..and then realized I locked myself out.
with no shoes on.
and its about 20 degrees.
double awesome.

and I know this is a valentines craft...but my daughters room is pink and red...so this little frame can be displayed allllll year round! whooot!

i know this is a weird shot..but any lower and you would start to see mess...

....... I have got more coming..(I don't want to OVERwhelm you with ruffles..but believe you me..we could have had another themed week on our hands!!!(cause ohmygosh have you gone over there...they have the CUTEST stuff!) and they even have a link of tutorials from some of our favoritest bloggers (click HERE) so not only can you get cute stuff..but ideas on how to use it....


  1. I want some of this sooooo bad, but I only have boys. :(

  2. I just drove by your house and was hoping that you were going to post about that cute thing hanging from your front door! That is so cute, and so easy! Good job Kim! You always amaze me!

  3. Holy moly!! Ruffle fabric??? Seriously??? Where have you been all my life????

  4. I love reading your posts... I giggle out loud the whole time. Very cute project... and fast & easy is how I like 'em!

    P.S. Come by my blog where I'm celebrating my one year anniversary with a giveaway!

  5. I so love this ruffle fabric! I came up with 2 different outfits with it on my blog here:



    Furthermore - have you seen the AWESOME elastic the Ruffle Store sells? I made some great suspenders with those too...lol, but don't want to add yet another blog link in your comment section. Lol, let's just say, I love that ruffle fabric store!

  6. I love your door decoration! the ruffles are adorable!

  7. Um I love this. Just thought you should know. You know, fore the 8th time.

  8. Ah - wait for it - MAZING! So freaking cute. I love you and hate you at the same time, but much more love than hate. Well, actually, not hate. I hate the game, not the player. Ok - I'd admit it. I love your game and you. sigh. I suck at lying.

  9. Oh no, sorry you got locked out! Sounds like something that would happen to me too!

  10. International shipping! Awesome! God knows what I'm going to use it for, but I really really want it now

  11. Yay!!! I didn't know you could just buy ruffled fabric! Shows how often I shop for fabric... hmm...

  12. I love this idea for ruffle fabric - I might have to do something like it with my extras after the next project I'm working on! I experimented with leggings and a skirt for my girls (posted www.addicted2tutes.blogspot.com), but have more practice to do with this fabric! :P Thanks for the cute idea!

  13. Oh my gosh, I love that!! Your rock Miss Kim!

  14. Lovin' that frame. AND your super awesome No Solicitations sign!

  15. Ok, you are my hero...I am just as you described..not lazy just dont have the time for long time devoted projects...I have GOT to get me some ruffle fabric. I only have boys but I'll use it for other crafts and to make things for the little girls in my life...love how the frame turned out!!

  16. I am so glad that I am not the only person who pets my fabric when it comes in the mail! My husband thinks I am nuts (which I might be) BUT some fabric just needs to held and loved before you make something out of it! :)
    I ADORE this fabric and I LOVE what you did with it.

  17. You make me laugh! I need a laugh especially with having a newborn that wants to eat alllllllll night long. Thanks, I look fwd to reading your blog when I'm a zombie.

  18. Ruffle fabric sounds like my kinda idea! I'm like you, I don't like projects that drag on ;) Very cute Valentines art!

    Bugger about locking yourself out ;) Hope you were rescued promptly!

  19. That ruffle fabric is amazing! Where has it been all my life?!?! Thanks for sharing the project - and the fabric website!!! I'm off to shop!

  20. That is seriously cute! And fabric that's already ruffled, too cool! Seriously, how did you get back inside LMAO!

  21. Visiting from TT&J. This is super cute - love it! Great idea!!

  22. Very pretty! Thanks for sharing ... I'll be linking. And please come join my link party anytime!


  23. I love your ideas! And I love that you lock yourself out too:)


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