
in case you need one...

I found a free pattern online to make a sewing machine cover

click HERE

(I haven't tried it...but it looks pretty easy! good luck!)


  1. WOW - I would LOVE the pattern to the black cover! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the embroidery work on it!!! WOW - I am speechless. Thanks for sharing! It's on my to do list now!

  2. Very Nice! Thanks for the link up, they have a simple Chef's Apron pattern too and I was needing one of those! :)

  3. The black cover is great. I got a cheap plastic cover thing when i bought my sewing machine but I think I will have to make one of these, thanks for the pictures lol

    Bee happy x

  4. Thanks for sharing your find...I need one, my sewing area is a disaster!

  5. Thanks for sharing! Now just one more thing to add to my to do list!

  6. Thanks, I didn't know I needed one until I just saw this. I guess it would keep little hands away from the thread and stuff.

  7. I gave you an award :) Come check it out here:


  8. Those are some AWESOME,,, covers, especially the one on the bottom right, with the flowers.

    Fun, fun.

    How you been Kimbo, you have tons of new fun things in your shop, LOVE IT all .


    Bella :)

  9. Thanks for the link. I have been gonna make one for my Mom for Christmas for a couple years and haven't done it. This will provide the kick that I need.

  10. Those look great. I totally want to make one. And also, to get a ROCKIN machine to go under it. :)


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