
Final ROUND!

ALRIGHT! We have narrowed it down to the last two

submitted by Jaime



submitted by Miranda

(I was thinking STEEEEELLLLAAA was a contender there for awhile but glouise has it (I also was hoping pinky and the brain was going to win..mostly so I can call myself the brain.)

One of these ladies will win an apron...other misc crap..but most important...

this badge of honor!


  1. Hey Kim. Long time reader, first time commenter. I know people probably say it all the time, but I love your blog. It totally brightens my day :). Not to mention all the ideas you give out.


  2. Man, how come I couldn't be cool and think of "Lady Glu Glu" or "Glouise"? Those are awesome!

  3. Glouise!!! Bwahhahaaa!!! I missed it the first time! That's so great! Glu glu is funny too, but that fad will hopefully die before your glue gun and Glouise could totally stand the test of time!

    Good luck ladies!

  4. I love both but I think Glouise may win by a nozzle.

  5. Kellie's daughter loved big bows. Big bows are made with glue guns. Sigh.

    A woman named Kellie follows your blog. I am guessing you don't know her story. On Feb. 17th she was teaching kindergarten when she got the worst call of her life. Her 4 month old baby died in the care of the babysitter. Kellie is a wonderful woman who needs our help! If you could see her blog and feel inspired, it would be amazing if you could do a post about the auction they are doing on this coming Monday, the 28th. They are trying to raise enough money to (in the future) have another child and be able to stay at home with them full-time. Kellie and James didn't deserve what happened to them. Could you please help out a wonderful family in need by posting the link to the auction on your site? Thank you.


    The auction site:

  6. So happy I'm a final contender! Thanks everyone :)


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.