
car mats shout outs

In honor of Made's

I thought I would share my collection of car mats (and other mats) that I keep in a folder on my computer called...well, car mats. what else would it be called?  I think Almost every single one of these would make the most awesomest gift
these are all Serving Pink Lemonade:

This is one giant mat...but she made it in 4 seperate pieces so you can take it on the go

so clever...so cute. love target.

okay...they don't all have to be cars right? Maybe I should call this ACTIVITY mats.

this is just awesome fabric..can't get easier than that!

there are double sided so the possibilities are ENDLESS!
(P.s) great gift idea!)

well, she got the idea for this one...from me. (I'm blushing really!) It looks FAnTASTIC!

love the train set....love the circle.

love the travel sized versions!

well, this isn't exactly a mat...but I love it all the same. My kid would flip for this!

man...this just makes my jaw drop!

she just made some roads....so you can set it up however and whenever and whereever....and out of levi to boot!

love this giant version from this mommy loves

spray paint on a tarp...AWESOME!

she gives a little credit to me....but this is so above and beyond I didn't dare link it to OTHER girls with glue guns...ammmmmmmmmaazzzzzinnnggg.

so cute~ I love looking at all the ideas when I'm coming up with one  of my felt activity mats!!!


  1. Wow thanks for featuring! I've actually made a couple since then too (one for girls even!) they're just so much fun! You've linked some great ideas!

  2. Very cute collection of ideas! My nephew loves cars and I'm excited to use some of these ideas for future gifts!

  3. THANK YOU. You've completely inspired me to craft for myself (and kids) as opposed to focusing all of my craft time on making things to sell in my Etsy shops. I just discovered your blog today & am blown away. Absolutey love it!

  4. Thanks for the feature - I kind of forgot about that mat - I need to pull it out for some playtime fun!!

  5. Thank you for the sweet words! But seriously, I had your play mat on my computer the whole time I was cutting out my town. You gave me lots of ideas!

  6. What a great collection! Thanks for featuring us.

  7. Thanks so much for the link/feature! I made mine up like 2 years ago, and since then I have just watch the creativity explode w/ car mats on blogs! So many great ideas. Thanks for collecting them- I think yours that you made w/ a glue gun is great too!

  8. what a great idea!!! i never thought to make one of these, but i am thinking maybe i will now! thanks!

  9. Thanks so much for linking up to two of my projects! These are two of my all-time favorites, so it's especially nice to see that others like them.

  10. Thanks for featuring my felt treasure map! So many cute felt playmats here!!

  11. Nice job in your collection! I am really impressed by what people have come up with!
    My favorite is the tiles that you piece together!

    Have a great Idaho Week!

  12. I love car mats. Check out the one I made earlier this year.

  13. Thanks for including me in your featured car mats!

    Mine was actually just a test run to see if the tiles idea would work out, I originally wanted to make it out of plastic canvas and do 3-D houses and stuff. So I was BLOWN AWAY when I saw that other plastic canvas one someone made! And there's even instructions to boot!

    I just may have to re-visit my original plans and get it going! Thanks for the inspiration!

  14. Love all of the mats! Very very cool projects today!

  15. I love this post!
    especially the dresser. I just wish my children were young enough to play with one of these! Id love to make one.

  16. Thanks for the feature lady! My son and his friends are still playing with the plastic canvas car set. It was a lot of work, but was definitely worth it - lots of quiet hours have been spent playing with it!


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