
Littlest Pet Shop mat

so we all know I have an OBSESSION with the felt mats. disclaimer: the first two I made were for gifts click HERE for the boy one and click HERE for the girl one... and the batman one I made (click HERE) was for my son....so my daughter didn't even have one.

so OF course I HAD  to make her one. It's in the parent hand book. page 56 paragraph 2.

And I wanted to make her one for her littlest pet shop (all 50 of them)

I just took all her animals for ideas...lots of dogs...and I made a big farm area..a rock for the lizards and pond for the water animals.

my daughter swears these are puppies..I think they look more like bunnies

the pooping area...

you can see all my hot glue stringies...

in the zoo:

in action...I set them all up and took pictures and everyone wanted to play with it...

and it's a.......

so you have to love it!

in other completely unrelated to crafts or glue guns:

so happy I've got some peeps out there that watch cougar town.

I watch the middle, modern family and cougar town. makes for some awesome television. I love my wed. and with american idol....it makes for a very full dvr!

gun to your head...is my blog your favorite?

ps. I AM the gift whisperer.


  1. i love your felt mats!!!! i wanna make one for my son for his hundreds of hot wheel cars, i just havent gotten up the courage to take on that huge task yet!! yours are soooo amazing!

  2. I really like it! I made two for my kids, and they play with it every single day, I forgot to take a picture, but I will and link to you, since you were who inspired me to make some felt mats!!!! =D

  3. That is so great! I made felt car mats for 3 little nephews for Christmas, and I know my kids would have loved to have kept one for themselves... but since I have 3 GIRLS, something like this would be perfect!! Dang it, I'm going to have to buy some more felt now.

  4. So cute! I hate littlest pet shop toys when I was little! I think the poop zone is my favorite! haha!

  5. That is adorable. I've got all sorts of ideas running around my head from seeing your felt mats. Thanks!

  6. But seriously, this mat is brilliant! Unfortunately for me, I *hate* the smell of the hot glue gun. I know, worst place EVER to make this comment. Do they make fragrant glue sticks? (No, for real, do they? That't be great! My whole house could smell like cinammon buns while I use the glue gun!)

  7. GENIUS!! We are a Littlest Pet Shop loving family, too and I'll definitely be featuring!!

  8. This is too freakin cute. I love it! What an awesome idea. I'm going to have to do this for my daughter now

  9. Very cute playmat! THanks for sharing!

  10. Oh my goodness. My daughter would flip over that! I would totally buy that in half a second. That would be so much easier than making one myself, especially since the craft store in my little town just closed and there is no longer any place to buy felt. But I might just have to make a trip and get cracking.

  11. You are so creative with that glue gun.. I wanna play~!
    have a tiggeriffic day~! ta ta for now from Iowa

  12. My daughter is obsessed with her Littlest Pet Shops and she would LOVE this! I can't wait to make one!

  13. Wow! Now my daughter wants me to make one, too bad they are so much work, I can't handle the pressure!

  14. Oh goodness, I think my kids need all of your mats! They're awesome!

  15. My daughter LOVES her little pet shop animals and also enjoys crafting. I am going to show her this so she can make one of her own. This really is a great idea.

  16. My 10 year old daughter has like 100 pet shop toys. She loved your map and is going to try to make one herself. Thank you for sharing such an awesome idea.

  17. Stopped over from One Pretty Thing!
    My girls would LOVE this. Thanks for sharing!!

  18. Penny Can!

    you had me at gluegun..just what I need, another great blog to read. Thanks for the ideas

  19. Finger gun to my head you ARE my favorite blogger ever. :)

  20. IN LOVE. Found this from UCreate & addicted now. Where do you get such a big piece of felt for the base? Or do you just glue a bunch together?

    Oh & Cougar Town absolutely rocks my socks.

  21. I LOVE your blog. I have about 45 saved on my favorites and I only check 3 every other day and yours is the FIRST one I check everytime. You have the best ideas. Love - Love - Love your blog. Keep glue gunning (is that a word?) and sharing. Thanks. Cindy from Alabama

  22. This is so cool!! I linked to your project over at Craft Gossip Sewing:


  23. Can't wait to try this!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  24. Thanks for the great tutorial... My hubby & I are both Cougar town addicts too, and have been since the first episode!!!
    "Here, I'm Resort Jules. And Resort Jules is fun. And she's crazy. And she refers to herself in the third person like a professional athlete." haha!!!

  25. Love 100 % glue gun projects!
    I'd love for you to come link up at Inspire Me Mondays @ Singing Three Little Birds!

  26. Cute, cute, cute idea! My little girls would absolutely have a blast with this!

    I linked to this in my Friday Favorites! http://www.laniejandco.com/2011/02/friday-favorites-2411.html

  27. I had to come back and say thanks again for this! We made one for my niece for her birthday and it was a huge hit! We pretty blatantly copied it, but it's just because yours is so awesome :)

  28. Thanks so much for sharing your mats!! I love them. I made one for my daughter for her birthday and it was a hit!! I've shared it on my blog and linked to you.


  29. My daughter and I argue over which pet shops are which! ;) They really are hard to tell sometimes...she usually wins though! Cute mat. I might have to bust out the glue gun... ;)


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.