
a headband twist...

so, I have some anal tendencies.....one of them happens to be having hair bows that match my daughters outfits. And let me tell you, my bow and headband stash is overtaking my kids bathroom.  So I came up....

the interchangeable  headband

I took some heavy duty sticky velcro and attached it to my headband

and then I took the opposite velcro

and hot glued it onto my bows....

I also made some clasps and clips with velcro too...

remember this holder from early in the hair crap week?

well I added some velcro dots to it so I can stick on my flowers and bows

Now I just grab a clip...or headband...pick a flower or bow to match and ta da...

the velcro hair clip in action (with the daughter that is HORRIBLE!..so once again..horrible picture!)

remember...tomorrow it the link up party!!!


  1. How did you get my idea for the velcro, brilliant. Well, although I hadn't figured out the velcro part yet, DUHH, I knew there had to be a way, and easy way to change out the stuff, and now you did it.

    I LOVE this, and it really is brilliant, I SERIOUSLY wish I had thought of it :)

    I say that a lot when I come here, he he.

    You ROCK girl!!

    Oh, and of course will you come link this up **Amaze me AUgust**, and enter my CSN giveaway. Oh and VOTE for me @ http://lambaround.blogspot.com/
    I REALLY want to win, and am begging everyone to go vote for me, he he.

    THANKS so much Kimbo!!!

    Bella :)

  2. Your ideas are perfect and you make them seem so easy. My sister loves haidbands and she has recentrly started to make some. I'm sure she'll love yours!
    Kisses from Greece!

  3. That is an excellent idea. I love it. I can't wait to start on this!


  4. I love the idea. And I love the holder for the head bands. Gonna copy that for sure!! Thanks.

  5. Tiggeriffic idea~! you are a clever rabbit~!
    ta ta for now from Iowa

  6. Great space saving idea!!! And money saving! Only need to buy one headband now! Or a few clips! Love it!!!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.